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Viloation of court order

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What is the name of your state? MD

Me & my ex have joint custody of my 2 daughters...By court order I get my kids every weekend (Friday after 7pm til Monday at 7am)...However, last night when i went to pick the kids up from their mom she gave me my one child but wouldn't give me my other one..She sent my youngest to a neighbors house to spend the night & i still don't have her today which is in clear violation of the court order...I had the police go out to her house last night & a police report was filed..He told me to contact my lawyer asap which i did....We are filing a petition for contempt..Just need to know some information on the process of this & what to expect...

The reason why my ex is keeping my youngest away from me is because we are having a difference in opinions on how to raise our daughters & she doesn't agree that my youngest (7yrs old) should sleep in her own room..She thinks she should be sleeping in the same bed as her sister because she is scared...I have rules at my house & my ex let's the kids get away with murder..Nonetheless, none of this matters because what goes on in my time is none of her business & she is violating a court order....

So, in closing please if anyone could inform me as to what to expect it would be greatly appreciated...


Under the Radar Member
Most likely your lawyer will advise you to file for contempt. Then a judge will make a determination. I'm not sure what else you're looking for.


Senior Member
Uhhh.... you already did everything you need to do. WE can't tell you what the Judge will say because they are all different. Good Luck.


Senior Member
Are you enforcing your rules at the expense of your daughter's sense of security? My seven year old FINALLY sleeps in her own bed, but only feels safe (the shadows look like monsters) if a light is on. AND she is very close to our room. If the child is on a different level than you, or not close-by, maby you should work something out with her so she feels more safe.

And, no, ex cannot withold visitation. But DO try to also work with your daughter to ease her fears. Sleeping in the same room with a same gender sib should not be made into a big deal. Why not let her sleep where sib is sleeping?
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Have you though about investing in bunk beds? That way your rules are still being followed and your daughter will feel secure knowing her sibling is close by.


Senior Member
mpfups said:
What is the name of your state? MD

Me & my ex have joint custody of my 2 daughters...By court order I get my kids every weekend (Friday after 7pm til Monday at 7am)...However, last night when i went to pick the kids up from their mom she gave me my one child but wouldn't give me my other one..She sent my youngest to a neighbors house to spend the night & i still don't have her today which is in clear violation of the court order...I had the police go out to her house last night & a police report was filed..He told me to contact my lawyer asap which i did....We are filing a petition for contempt..Just need to know some information on the process of this & what to expect...

The reason why my ex is keeping my youngest away from me is because we are having a difference in opinions on how to raise our daughters & she doesn't agree that my youngest (7yrs old) should sleep in her own room..She thinks she should be sleeping in the same bed as her sister because she is scared...I have rules at my house & my ex let's the kids get away with murder..Nonetheless, none of this matters because what goes on in my time is none of her business & she is violating a court order....

So, in closing please if anyone could inform me as to what to expect it would be greatly appreciated...
Why the heck do you insist that your youngest can't sleep with her sister?...I honestly agree with mom there...I can't see any reason why the children have to be separated at night.

You may win in court...may not....but I honestly don't understand your rationale......and I suspect that many judge's wouldn't understand your rationale either.


I agree with Stealth2. I do not see why you would pose this question. Your ex is obviously in contempt of the order by not allowing your youngest to visit with you during the specified times. The reasons she is doing this does not matter. File the contept or do not. Whatever is in the best interest of the children.

I also agree with the others about your daughter. If either one is not in need of privacy, they could only build a closer bond by sleeping in the same room. Principle is one thing. Being an ass is another. That is almost like giving a child a toy and then telling them all they can do is look at it and that they are not allowed to play with it. Very bad rational.



Thanks for all the replies...You may agree or disagree with me on my rationale but no matter what my ex has no right to keep my child from me & I doubt any judge will yell at me for my honest belief...I can understand if they are between the ages of newborn & 5 or even 6 but how old are you supposed to be before you get them out of this baby stage...The child that she sleeps with at her mom's house is almost 10 years old & is scared to be anywhere in their house & i'm afraid my child is taking after her....I believe she is this way because her mom's friends kid is like this & she's taking after her..But to each her own..Its not like I don't lay with her to try & help her get to sleep & she does have a Tv in her room not to mention a pet dog that sleeps next to her...Her sister does want her own privacy & has begged us to stop letting her sister sleep with her all the time..I feel as if I should atleast honor this....

Today is day 2 without my youngest so I am filing a petition for contempt on Monday...I just wanted to know what, if anything will happen or be said to mom so this doesn't happen again??

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