I was told by CPS, and two different police stations (Cops) and 4 lawyers to file an ex parte. it's called an emergency hearing but my ex BREAKING THE LAW warrants the ex parte. I care about my daughter, who is impressionable at her age right now, I care about her safety and her future. I want to protect her and I want to see my daughter! I don't understand how you people don't see this as important. He is trying to keep her from me until January, possibly longer!! I guess it's because I'm a darn good mom that I care this much and am willing to go to the end of the earth for my child. Does it make you two feel better that you deliberately try to hurt others who are going through bs they don't deserve? looks like it. I don't need to respond to your narrow minded opinions anymore. I got good advice from the cops and CPS and the lawyers. I did what I had a right to do. I did the right thing.