Put it this way: even if the order didn't specify a location for visitation, there is NO judge that is going to make a parent take a child to a jail or prison to visit the other parent or penalize them for not doing do. If the visitation order from the court says that visitation occurs at grandma/grandpa's home, then the burden is on dad to be at the ordered place and meeting any other criteria spelled out in the order. If he's not, whether he's in jail, or on the moon, or on a cruise, visitation is moot due to DAD'S actions. If/when dad is released and again ABLE to visit as outlined in the order, the court will expect that visitation to take place. If this new incident involving dad and one or more children had got you worrying about whether supervision by his parents is effective or appropriate, then you'll want to ask the court to modify the visitation order (for example, to some place like an actual visitation center, where the person(s) supervising won't be busy doing things like cleaning house, watching TV, etc. while the visitation is occurring). I can't speak for anyone else, but if it were ME, given dad's MULTIPLE and RECENT "problems" with staying away from children, I'd be damned if I'd let him visit my child under the supervision of anyone not watching EVERY SECOND like a hawk.