Calling my husband my screw buddy is not legal advice. And I'm not selfish how is wanting to protect my daughters feeling being selfish??
He has made her cry because he keeps telling her that he will come see her and he doesn't, I know in the eyes of the law he is her FATHER, but in her life my husband the man who provides for her is her dad.
When he calls, makes a promise and then doesn't come through what exactly do YOU tell her?
Her biological father has just been found by the attorney general and they have been taking money from him, before that he had not paid any support for three years. He has not seen her in two. I make sure he has our phone number and address so I have done my part, he on the other hand makes sure that we don't know where he is or have a phone number for him.
Look -
you chose this man to father your child. Yes, it sucks that he's apparently a deadbeat, and apparently able to be a parent no more than a leaf of mouldy cabbage would be able but that does not change the bottom line - he IS her father.
NOBODY here will disagree - your child should not be hurt or traumatized for something that is clearly not her fault and something over which she had absolutely no control...and with that said, YOU also need to take some of the blame. You know that. But you know what the good news is?
YOU - as her mother, as the most constant thing or person in her entire little life, have the ability to try as hard as you can to ensure that any hurt she feels, any disappointment, any pain is kept to a bare minimum. YOU get to do that. Only you. Even when it means you're sometimes making excuses for him, when he doesn't come get her when he said he would.
YOU are holding the reins. Nobody else.
How much, or how little, your daughter is traumatized by this is largely up to you. If he is as much a deadbeat as you allege, don't give him that kind of power over her. You are Mom - a very simple, "Honey, yes your Daddy loves you very very much but sometimes his work means he can't come and see you, even when he says he wants to come and see you" can work wonders.
And yes, I'm aware that all too often, that's a blatant lie. But at least it's a lie borne from a genuine wish to prevent hurt.