This is the root of my problem. I believe that is the direction we are headed...to creating an IEP to excuse certain behaviors that may be considered inappropriate to some. The parents are making excuses, blaming, accusing and creating dramatic situations. I want to make sure that I am covered by not seeming to "exclude" any of the parents.Yep.
My wife has been assaulted in an elementary school classroom and there was nothing the school could do because his outbursts were covered in an IEP!!! But, the po-po and the courts could give a darn about his IEP so we hooked the kid up after the 2nd assault and returned him to mom and dad. At that point, the school had to take some measures to address safety in the classroom. (Yeah, I took exception to her being hit by a chair ...)
The major difficulty is that the CP is on campus daily. It's so much easier to say, "Hey, so and so did XYZ today." as we pass in the hallway and then forget it rather than email both of them both (as not to exclude the NCP) that it could appear as if I'm playing favorites. I want to avoid that AT ALL costs!
Either way, I think you have all answered my questions..thank you!