Typically when she refuses, I end up going home with them (after spending 40 min round trip of course) and get them ready to start their school day. I'll show up Monday drop them off, and sometimes I show up to pick them up and find out mom got them instead. Clearly, there's little communication that occurs now which is a change over the past 45 days or so. Sometimes, instead she won't get them on Monday and I will and have to wonder if she'll get them Tuesday.
Missing work to play pickup roulette is causing the work related issues. I've made comments in the past that if this keeps up I'll go for full custody and she claims I'll never win and she'll take me to the cleaners because she can afford a better attorney blah blah.
I prefer to not upset the apple cart but this isn't sustainable or fair to anyone. As i've said (or think I said earlier) it's not a matter of money for me, I don't want hers. I know there was talk earlier in this thread if it should have been structured the way it was...but that's the way it was structured and approved "in the best interests" at least.
I've spoken with my attorney in the past and he feels I should document this going forward and follow up via e-mail and that there's a strong possibility that this would be considered a material change in circumstances. I just prefer not to go that route....I fear that will cause her to leave the picture entirely.