I have a bachelor's degree from an accredited private University.You mentioned you work for a school? That makes your lack of knowledge about accreditation more frightening. You said what I am saying is all matter of opinion and claim that because you have expressed your opinion more than 2400 times that makes you credible? ARE YOU SERIOUS?
A DEGREE makes you credible, WORK EXPERIENCE makes you credible, 2400 posts...I don't think so.
I have a Master's Degree from an accredited State University.
And I am almost finished with a PhD, where I educate future teachers.
I taught public school, and was an assistant principal for 10 years.
I have taught at the University level 3 years.
Just because you call names and bluff and posture, and try to put someone down when you don't like their opinion or Google skills is rather ridiculous. But not unexplained, seeing where you were educated