Okay. What exactly are you looking for here on FreeAdvice? As I said, you have not asked a legal question, so we don't know how to assist you.
My only goal here is to save my life with my son. I was asking. What can I do. While these corrupt people are doing all of this against violating my civil rights, harassing me, trying to make me look like a drug addict , having judges sign off on all types of fake chit. Which if you know the law they usually have pre signed papers from judges on their closet.
What I said about Jason Ellis. All true what I turned in ALL TRUE. If their is any fire behind that smoke I don't know.
What I said about friends selling with cops. All true. ALL TRUE. If they are connected. I don't know.
Nothing is going to bring anyone I cared about and loved back at this stage I just want to be with my son.
I am asking what can I do against these guys destroying my life, ruining my name, getting me fired from jobs, whike they try to build some b.s case against me.
I've done all I can. I can't do anymore. My son is all I have to fight for now.
If anyone reading this thinks this is a joke. Ask me for my social. My credit sucks anyways. You can run it