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Will i qualify for UC benefits

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Senior Member
However, now that you have a diagnosis, are you in treatment? Medication, psychotherapy? What does your doctor recommend? Time off, all at one time, or intermittently?
I'm going to assume by your nonresponsive answer to the question of how many employees WORK at your job location is that it is at least 50, is that correct or not? I do not CARE where they live. Where they LIVE is irrelevant.


Junior Member
The question about how many employees work at my facility was answered in #6 reply

we have about 129 employees many of which live 5 to 30 miles away--129 employees 129

The question concerning medication, therapy etc was also answered with the answer of I GOT MEDICATION AND THE DR GAVE ME OFF TIL MONDAY

what does this have to do with my initial question anyway

Can anyone try to answer the question i initially posted hours ago
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Senior Member
OK, but I didn't care where they lived.

If your doctor "took you off" work for the days you didn't go to work, then when you get back, ask for FMLA paperwork.


Junior Member
ok now i have a question

#1 first absence--sick days--two of them--diarrhea--couldn't possibly go and i was reprimanded--dr's office faxed a note

#2 second absence--dr's note and new diagnosis--probably will be reprimanded and suspended for three days

if i have a dr's note for each absence and they still terminate me will i be eligible for UC benefits

i fully believe they are trying to get rid of me but they don't want to let me collect


Senior Member
1. Not an FMLA-qualifying condition.
2. IF you were out at least three days, FMLA MIGHT apply. If not, then it wouldn't apply.

But you're asking us to guess if you ARE fired, whether you will get unemployment benefits? I'm trying to keep you from GETTING fired.

So, if you are fired for your absences, if FMLA doesn't apply, your chances of getting benefits are probably pretty good, since a medical reason for missing work is not the employer's "fault", it's not really your "fault" either. If you are fired, file for benefits immediately.

I don't know what else we can tell you.


Junior Member
that is actually what i was asking all along!!

i know you don't understand because you don't work there--it is a screwed up place since the new administration took over--they literally will fire people for anything and i mean anything--we have lost fantastic nurses and aides--it broke my heart what they did to some of them.

what i wanted to know was when i go back to work on monday do i let them know about the new diagnosis i received--do i put anything in writing--do i need it on record with them--i know that i will be suspended for calling off sick when i go in on monday--i don't want to give them anything they will use against me


Senior Member
You do not need to tell them anything about your diagnoses unless you are wanting to ask for a "reasonable accommodation" under the ADA.


Senior Member
All you do is provide the doctor's note when you go in to work on Monday.
Go in to work, ready to work, and do your work.
Your doctor note provides the reason for your absence.
Answer questions, no additional details.


Junior Member
my dr note only says return to work 8/9 no reason what if they demand to know why

can they demand to know about my medical conditions

i did not have the diagnosis when i filled out the application 17 years ago
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Senior Member
1. "I'm sorry, it's a personal issue and I don't feel comfortable discussing it."

2. Again, no. Not unless you are applying for FMLA Leave or requesting a reasonable accommodation under the ADA.


Junior Member
i understand at least in know they can't badger me about why i was off--they did last time until i was in tears--all over diarrhea--they wouldn't stop until i told them why i was off

i have the right just to say i would rather not discuss it

it would also go towards the fact that i was then late a few days due to the fact that because of the depression i had insomnia and was having difficulty getting to sleep and therefore arriving late to work a few days in the last two weeks


Senior Member
Set your alarm. Be at work on time.

Again, no details are needed. You are providing a doctor's note as requested by the employer.

Once they have your answer, you can stand up, ready to go to work quietly. Stay calm. You are going to work and be ready to work.


Junior Member
what would be my next move if they suspend me for being off even with a doctors note--just sit there and say it don't have to talk to them about it--last time they were practically demanding that i tell them


I'm a Northern Girl
As one of my colleagues is wont to say, you're putting on your track shoes before you even know if there's a race.

Instead of borrowing trouble about, well, what if they do this? And what if they do that?, why don't you just wait and see what they DO do?


Junior Member
i know. you are right.
i just get my self so upset that after all these years at the company they can turn on you like a bunch of rabid dogs--it is their way

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