The questions may have been legal but the idea behind them is not. YOU CANNOT WORK and NOT tell CSE you are working. That is a crime in most states and you can find yourself facing criminal charges.
And when you quit your income will be imputed minimally at what you were earning at the time you voluntarily walked off the job.
Your attitude sucks. And you are NOT doing what is asked of you legally if you decide to work and NOT inform CSE.
No. Just those who have an attitude likes yours.
Only those who come on here griping about having to pay child support. Which you did.
Note the first sentence in this paragraph. Then note what you said CS buys. Ecstacy? Oh yeah. You care about your child.
I am not convinced. Most people who know that mom is using illegaly drugs DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT when the child they profess to care about is in that home. What the hell have you done?
How do you know that she isn't using boyfriend's money? How did you perform a trace on the number legally?
I will say this however, you are bitter as evidenced by your other posts on here and you are showing NO CARING for your child.