Pardon me, but what are we expected to make of "pretty much by default"? Such iffy verbiage is not recommended in this milieu. Lawyers relying on suppositions often find themselves looking for an honest livelihood!
So, was the judgment debtor found to be in default for failure to appear or not? Because if in default, then you don't need to serve the judgment debtor with another blessed thing. (See Rule 43.01 of the Missouri Rules of Civil Procedure) *
And even if the defendant did appear in the lawsuit there, is nothing in the Rules requiring that you as the judgment creditor serve or notify of any actions taken supplemental to your judgment. That is a notice of the issuance of a writ of execution or a preemptive notice of the issuance of a writ of garnishment.
But getting back to the essentials, why would you want to incur the hassle of a lengthy, paper eating and time consuming bank account garnishment process?
If you know where this "big tech corporation" maintains offices in your state, why not simply hand the local sheriff the writ of execution? That together with written instructions to pay the debtor a visit seizing possession of and levying against such visible tangible assets of the debtor as needed to satisfy the judgment? I mean like desks, chairs, computers, file cabinets, keys to the executive washroom, and so on.
If your judgment is watertight and you do the above, you can expect payment in full to arrive in the mail.
[*] " . . . no service (of documents supplemental to a default judgment - my paraphrasing) need be made on parties in default for failure to appear except that pleadings asserting new or additional claims for relief against them shall be served upon them in the manner provided for service of summons".
Good luck
Am I allowed to name the corporation in these forums?
The corporation answered on the last possible weekday to the suit, stating that I was taking them to court in the wrong venue and wanted it moved to CA per their 'browsewrap' aggreement. (For the record, browsewraps aren't as strong as clickwraps....I did a lot of research on can be tedious as you all know.) The lawyer further requested a continuance due to 'travel restrictions because of covid' if the venue change wasn't agreeable. Given that courts all over, including in CA are pretty much open and airlines are flying, the judge didn't find that a reasonable excuse for not appearing to argue their merits.
Furthermore, and I'm speculating here, I don't think the judge liked the last minute response that the lawyer that fedex'd the answer to the suit to me (electronically to the court I assume). She noted that the lawyer in the letter is not licensed to practice law in our state as well. I was quite surprised that they didn't hire a local attorney to appear on their behalf, but they didn't. They had a month or so to do so. The judge gave me the default judgement, as they weren't here to argue their merits to change the venue. (I was ready for that arguement too.). She ALMOST gave them the continuance, but felt that there was no reason for them to not have a lawyer in the court room on their behalf. So that explains the 'Pretty much by default' bit.
I've waited for more than the appeals time to pass...and so now I'm taking action. I brought the writ of execution up to the county clerk's office. I had to add the address of the debtor. As I was about to walk away to modify the papers, she handed me the interrogatories of Garnishee papers. That made me think it's required.
As for their assets, their banking institutions they use are several, but one for sure, since I've received funds from them in the past via ACH, is BofA. While the corporation doesn't maintain actual offices in every state, the corporation sends and does business in every state of the union I believe. They are incorporated in my state (as well as most others I'd assume). There is a listed registered agent, who was served with the lawsuit back in July. I know I took a risk suing here given their browsewrap requirements of using courts in their benificial court system in CA. I won and now I'm on the next step of collecting. $5k to this corporation is paltry/peanuts. With their huge legal departments, I was shocked no one appeared in court on their behalf. Shocked.
For the record, this was just one suit...I would like to go after them in a class action next, cause they have NOT fixed the problem that started this whole thing.
Thanks for saying I do NOT have to give them notice of execution. I'm hoping the sheriff can just go to the local BofA and ask for the funds.