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Would it be legal to have a protection dog at school?

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Senior Member
Now, this dog is fully trained and very well behaved. For those of you who have asked; a protection dog is a dog that is trained to protect. She can track, do agility, and take on multiple attackers. If there was an intruder, or if someone attacked my child, the dog would disarm/take down the threat. When the dog is in a public place, she will wait for the command if she needs to attack. In no way would she EVER bite a kid or even get anxious unless there is a SERIOUS threat. (if you have further complaints about this, then you know nothing about protection dogs. Please think before you speak) And no, she does not have an unhealthy bond with my kid. She, being the dog, attends all of the sporting events and social gatherings with my kid. I need not worry about that because my kid is popular and always having parties and such. All I'm asking is that is there any way to make it so the dog can go to school? Thank you very much for answering and God Bless.


And really - that's the way it SHOULD be.


Junior Member
TO: CJane

TO: CJane

For your info... she came from Germany, which is where they breed DDR and Chech colored GSDs. That means she is fully trained and does not have slanted hips. It also means she is larger and has more of a prey drive. Also, there is no way I would ever drug my dog. Give her meds and a life? Are you on drugs? (sorry, but I mean, I never know)


Senior Member
The reality of it is that you need to help your daughter cope without having a dog at her side. That's nice that your dog is trained, but it's not a "trained" dog as in a seeing eye dog, epilepsy dog etc.

Teach them both that to rely on themselves.


I'm a Northern Girl
No. There is no law you can invoke and no permit you can get that will force the school to allow your daughter to bring the dog to school with her.

Both daughter and dog are just going to have to live with it.


Senior Member
Now, this dog is fully trained and very well behaved. For those of you who have asked; a protection dog is a dog that is trained to protect. She can track, do agility, and take on multiple attackers. If there was an intruder, or if someone attacked my child, the dog would disarm/take down the threat. When the dog is in a public place, she will wait for the command if she needs to attack. In no way would she EVER bite a kid or even get anxious unless there is a SERIOUS threat. (if you have further complaints about this, then you know nothing about protection dogs. Please think before you speak) And no, she does not have an unhealthy bond with my kid. She, being the dog, attends all of the sporting events and social gatherings with my kid. I need not worry about that because my kid is popular and always having parties and such. All I'm asking is that is there any way to make it so the dog can go to school? Thank you very much for answering and God Bless.
P.S. Yes it is Bend Oregon, but really we live outside it aways near Tumalo and Sisters.
What program is the dog accredited through?


Senior Member
All I'm asking is that is there any way to make it so the dog can go to school?
Yes. You can ASK the school administration for permission. When they deny that permission, that will be the end of the story. You cannot force them in any way to allow your daughter to bring the dog to school.

So, ASK them. Then, move on.


Senior Member
and really, if you think about it, bringing an attack dog to a school would set them up for such an unbelievable amount of liability, that if they did agree, I would be flabbergasted at their stupidity.

Imagine the kid walking down the hall that tries to scare the dog, or pops his gum, or drops a book. The dog attacks, you have a lawsuit on your hands. Since the dog is not for a disability, it is for ATTACK, you, and the school, would be in such an unbelievable amount of trouble.


Senior Member
Here's another example of why I need my new business model:

How to get your child out of school without being bullied or embarrassed. Image consulting...


Senior Member
No school administrator is going to allow a child to bring an attack dog to school. Ever. In any universe. That you would even for one moment think this would be a good idea casts doubt on your credentials as a parent.

Oh and by the way your dog is not "fully trained" if it freaks out anytime you kid isn't there. That's like saying a car "runs great" but is missing an engine.

Gail in Georgia

Senior Member
|"My dog is very bonded with my child. She (the dog) goes nuts whenever her "person" is out of sight."

Such a dog is neither well trained nor well controlled.

It appears the OP wishes this more for the dog than the child.

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