youth was in truck of his boss. Youth was not of age boss was. They were stopped for no seat belt on youth! They proceeded to give youth a breathalizer and he passed but still had open bottles in the truck which belonged to his boss. Then they found a bag of weed in the front seat. Officer ask the man driving if it was his, he said no! the youth said it was not his! They did not check the driver of the truck for liscense and proceeded to tell the youth that the owner of the truck said it wasnt his so it must be the youths and arrested him on the spot and took him to jail did
not even question the man driving about buying the liquor for the youth. Did not even ask for the bosses liscense or regestration. This was not a legal arrest, am I correct and if not can you quote me a law???? Thank you very very much!
This is in the State of Indiana.
not even question the man driving about buying the liquor for the youth. Did not even ask for the bosses liscense or regestration. This was not a legal arrest, am I correct and if not can you quote me a law???? Thank you very very much!
This is in the State of Indiana.