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is your ex as stupid as mine

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I have to agree that the gyno one is tops......

Junior called me in hysterics when he was three, almost four. He had traveled to AK with his father for two days because daddy0 was getting married to SM. He called me because he was told that he had to start calling SM mommy because she was going to be his new mommy because his old mommy was going to die. I was fighting cancer at the time; needless to say, I beat it.

I wasn't very happy and when I got daddy-o on the line had a few choice words for him.


Senior Member
I have to agree that the gyno one is tops......

Junior called me in hysterics when he was three, almost four. He had traveled to AK with his father for two days because daddy0 was getting married to SM. He called me because he was told that he had to start calling SM mommy because she was going to be his new mommy because his old mommy was going to die. I was fighting cancer at the time; needless to say, I beat it.

I wasn't very happy and when I got daddy-o on the line had a few choice words for him.
Thats not stupid, thats just plain cruel and evil. Well its stupid too


Senior Member
Are we telling stupid spouse stories too? Please reference the St. Paddy thread. Everyone can tell when DH lets DD dress herself.
Are we telling stupid spouse stories too? Please reference the St. Paddy thread. Everyone can tell when DH lets DD dress herself.
LOL why is it they seem to be able to dress themselves, but will let their children go out looking like an extra from an 80's Michael Jackson video?


Senior Member
LOL why is it they seem to be able to dress themselves, but will let their children go out looking like an extra from an 80's Michael Jackson video?
He seems to think that she's "expressing" herself. The days that I forget to pick out her outfits, I just cringe as she walks in the door. It's a surprise everytime.


Story about the outrageously stupid SM's gyno exam
I have one about the ex and his wife, who dropped my 11 year old son off at a pay phone in the parking lot of a bar in downtown Charlotte at 1:00 a.m., tossed him a quarter, told him to call me to come pick him up, and drove away. But never mind. You win.


Senior Member
Im one of those parents that let their kids dress themselves :p

Now that they're older I make sure they make better choices (stepson 11 and dd almost 9) because I dont want other kids to make fun of them. But for years they have dressed themselves. I would tell their teachers, they do have nice clothes but be aware I do let them dress themselves. If its just too awful I will say something but most times I let it go. Which is why my 4 yr old was in sandles in the middle of december. I told her to put socks on with them so her feet wouldnt get cold. My friends would joke saying the were calling dcs on me for letting my kid wear sandles in december. I said hey at least she has socks on lol. She got A LOT of boots that winter!
Expressing is fine so long as it's coordinated. I kid you not, this child has NO fashion sense AT ALL. We're talking about hot pink shirts and Blue corderoy overalls and green socks.


Senior Member
I think I win the award for the ex-spouse with the most stupid, convoluted logic.

I just got an email from my ex-wife stating that she can not afford to fly the kids up to MI for her summer visitation in May. Mind you, she is the one who moved from Pensacola (142 miles away) to Mt. Clemens, MI (1,034 miles away) in January, of her own free will.

So anyways, her email goes on to say that she can't afford the plane tickets, and wants me to pay 1/2, and if I don't pay 1/2, then I am denying her her summer visitation and she will file for contempt for withholding visitation.

She can't file for contempt for me not paying 1/2, because she is responsible for ALL transportation.

So then she lists how much the the tickets are and how much 1/2 is and asks, "Will you be sending me 1/2?"

I decided to use her email-replying tactic, and simply sent back, "No."

Nothing else. Just, "No."

And if she responds, I will be ignoring it. But I will save these emails for posterity.

I guess Ron White was right. You can't fix stupid.


Senior Member
you guys are absolutely cracking me up!!!!!!! I am sitting here trying to think if I ever did anything stupid.....NOPE. I am not perfect but I certainly think before I do anything.


Senior Member
you guys are absolutely cracking me up!!!!!!! I am sitting here trying to think if I ever did anything stupid.....NOPE. I am not perfect but I certainly think before I do anything.
OK stupid me story....

When DH and I started talking. He was quiet, hesitant with his words and talked about being Polish. I ASSUMED that he came over from Poland. Later I discovered that he was just shy with me. That he was trying to lose his Southern accent (from living in LA/Miss with his dad) and was born right around the corner from where we grew up in NY. I swore up and down that I would NEVER admit that I thought that to him. I ended up doing it one night whilst drinking and he laughed at me for about a week. I was sooooooo embarrassed. He still picks on me for it, it's been 6 years in July since we got together and I told him about 3 years ago.


Senior Member
2 letters is pretty generous. I think that one would have gotten no response from me. :p
LOL. My ex is famous for sending back, "No.", when an issue clearly requires more discussion than that.

I have let it drive me crazy for years now.

So I decided to try it.

I got a response from her this morning, and it really cracked me up.

Her first words were, "No? Don't you think this requires more than a no?"

That really made my day, seeing as she is the queen of the 1-word, no emails.

Then she went on and on and on and. . . . well you get the point, about how if I don't send her 1/2 of the money to buy the plane tickets I will be in contempt for not letting her see HER kids. She emphasized the HER kids part, and went on to tell me that they are more her kids than mine because she gave birth to them.

Although I am soooo tempted to fire an email back telling her that I'M not keeping HER from seeing OUR kids, she is, I won't. I'm just going to ignore it. If she take me to court for contempt, I'll let her emails speak for themselves.

I've recently started taking Klonopin for anxiety, and I gotta say - I think it's working! :D

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