Tranquility wrote:
that the doctor denied treatment with the outburst as a substantial factor and that such an outburst is a substantial factor of the OPs disability
I have a recording of the supervisor telling me basically why I was taken back to committee, in a nutshell he was defending his staff saying they (the $6 - $8/hour employees) would not be “subjected to any abuses, belittling, or talked down to.” I also have the recordings of my conversations, messages left, and emails. These messages (vocal and electronic) could be interpreted two ways. 1) With people not knowing the sender was mentally ill and 2) Knowing that the sender was mentally ill. My review of them shows NO “abuse, belittling or talking down to.” It does show frustration, irritability and anxiety (all components of my disability).
there is no medical reason not to treat
All my physical tests and mental tests indicated I am (and was) ready and able to have this test. The doctor who looked at my ultra-sound and Endoscopy said, “you’re cleared for Lap Band!” He also dictated in the Endoscopy notes, “This is a pleasant young man…”
there is a legal requirement to treat (slavery is not dead!)
Let’s approach this from, there is a legal requirement NOT to abandon a case after you take it SHY of the doctor doesn’t have the experience, training, or staff to deal with the situation… he has a psychiatrist and two social workers on staff.
that the OP can perform the essential functions as related to his treatment
I had already begun following their instructions, like stopping caffeine (been off it since they asked me with one or two screw ups because I forget when I get to a restaurant or something), I increased my physical activity, I bought a Bowflex and am shopping for a tread-mill, surveyed for local centers where I could have fills (i.e., located an online support group and began engaging them. Also, my therapist agreed that I’m well aware of what this will take and am committed to it.
To counter, there is nothing in the record that says otherwise
that there is no medical issues related to the disability (already disproven by the way)
Would you name one or two of those issues that you allege “disproven?”
that there is no direct threat to the health or safety to the medical staff (I hope none of them are bipolar, that would really twist the OPs shorts.)
Again, shy of me being physically violent, there isn’t. I use my mouth, not my fists. People see how big I am (and again, I’m male) and they when I raise my voice they assume I am violent, I’m not, but I’m vocal.
You seem to have summed it up... I'm to lose before I begin.
The HOSPITAL is in California, therefore 9th Circuit Appellate Law would apply. As far as the JUMP necessary from the work environment to the medical one from the case cited, not a very hard one. Heck, they even said "violent outburst" is a result of bipolar! pretty much handed it to me on a silver platter, except I'm not violent, but prone to "outbursts."
This WOULD come before a federal court because I don't live in that state (as above) diversity of citizenship.
Florida Law (and the 11th Circuit) wouldn't apply!
Again, I don't believe this is a slam dunk, but is surely does sound like I'm more right than most of you originally thought. And, again, I'm not going to do anything until after I have the procedure and I can walk into court and say, "See, I had it any way and I did it regardless of my disability that they discriminated against!"