Hello, we're getting there!
My grief now is Social Services. We had our homestudy done on 6/29 and our caseworker said that it would be filed within 2 weeks (she was going on vacation). We've been waiting, and hadn't heard anything, so last week I called her. Her response was "Oh, I've got a few more blocks to fill in, and I'll call you when I send it to the court". So, here we are, about 5 weeks past the date of our study, and still nada. It's quite frustrating.
As I mentioned in a post on the child support forum, I am getting ready to have surgery and I just want to make sure that all is in place before I go under the knife. I would hate for his biological father to have any rights to him....(I know this is a touchy label for some here....but he truly is "the donor").
Anyways, any advice? We have been using Legal Services on base here, and they are closed for the day. Thanks!