No, I will not seek legal action, I would just like information to back myself up when I am appealing the susupention (yes, you can do that). I am not just trying to get out of suspension and such, I dont mind out of school suspension, its just a vacation. the thing is, im doing good in school, and missing 10 days WILL make me fail. I personally am not willing to risk my future and fail my classes for a rule that the school chooses not to inform the students of in the official rule book which we sign and agree to, and then decides to enforce the rule when convenient for the school.
So no, I will not sue the school, but I intend to push for whatever rights I may have. I'd assume (regardless of what the punishment is being issued for) anyone that is participating in an online legal advice forum would be interested in the same for themselves and/or their families. Am I wrong in trying to defend my rights? I dont think so.