What is the name of your state? Ohio
My hubby wants to confirm that there is no over-reaction on his part to this situation. My stepdaughter is 9 and in the 4th grade. This event happened on Friday at recess.
One of the teachers called my hubby on Friday afternoon to tell him a child in my stepdaughter's class threatened to "murder" her on the playground. She said the school sent the child home for the day, the principal was out, and upon the principal's return, they would decide the punishment and get back to my husband on their decision of how they were going to handle the situation. There was no return call on Friday. Hubby's ex-wife works second shift and offered to go into the school first thing Monday morning (today) and personally speak with the principal ~ deciding that both were not going to allow their daughter to return to school until the boy who threatened her was AT MINIMUM, removed from her class (they share a class, there are 4 different/total classes in her grade). The principal has decide to suspend the boy for one week and allow him to return to the same classroom, moving him across the class away from her. The principal stated that no good would come out of moving his class, because it happened at recess. She also stated that they were well aware of this boy's behavioral issues, and that "every single teacher who is employed here keeps a close eye on him at all times".
Upon speaking with my stepdaughter on Friday after school, she informed us of her side of the story, which includes the boy threatening to bring a gun to school AFTER he was in trouble for threatening to "murder" her. The teacher did not mention the weapon. Hubby told principal of additional threat, asking if child is regularly checked for weapons, drugs, etc. Principal stated, "yes, everyday". Hubby and ex-wife are NOT satisfied with reaction from the school, and he has contacted the superintendant. Called at 1pm, no return call today. Hubby is taking child to the police tomorrow, realizing this SHOULD have been the very first thing he did. He called them, but did not bring child into make a statement.
Should he ask for a restraining order from the city for his daughter, against this child? Is that asking too much or should a report just be filed? They don't believe this punishment is harsh enough. They are trying very hard to co-parent together and made great progress in the last 8 months in providing a united front, and both absolutely are in agreement that this kid should not be around stepdaughter after making this type of threat to her! They are both in agreement that their daughter should not have to worry about her safety at school! Especially since the police, principal, teachers and even the superintendant are being notified. My hubby just isn't sure if restraining orders can be filed against minors, this young of a child, how it would effect the parents, etc. We all feel very bad for this kid, who is obviously very troubled, but his job as a parent is to protect HIS daughter. Not to mention, what type of message is it sending to the boy, if the worst punishment is to be off school for a week. In this day, one can never be too cautious when approaching these matters, but what age is considered too young to impose hefty consequences? Thanks in advance for your time.What is the name of your state?
My hubby wants to confirm that there is no over-reaction on his part to this situation. My stepdaughter is 9 and in the 4th grade. This event happened on Friday at recess.
One of the teachers called my hubby on Friday afternoon to tell him a child in my stepdaughter's class threatened to "murder" her on the playground. She said the school sent the child home for the day, the principal was out, and upon the principal's return, they would decide the punishment and get back to my husband on their decision of how they were going to handle the situation. There was no return call on Friday. Hubby's ex-wife works second shift and offered to go into the school first thing Monday morning (today) and personally speak with the principal ~ deciding that both were not going to allow their daughter to return to school until the boy who threatened her was AT MINIMUM, removed from her class (they share a class, there are 4 different/total classes in her grade). The principal has decide to suspend the boy for one week and allow him to return to the same classroom, moving him across the class away from her. The principal stated that no good would come out of moving his class, because it happened at recess. She also stated that they were well aware of this boy's behavioral issues, and that "every single teacher who is employed here keeps a close eye on him at all times".
Upon speaking with my stepdaughter on Friday after school, she informed us of her side of the story, which includes the boy threatening to bring a gun to school AFTER he was in trouble for threatening to "murder" her. The teacher did not mention the weapon. Hubby told principal of additional threat, asking if child is regularly checked for weapons, drugs, etc. Principal stated, "yes, everyday". Hubby and ex-wife are NOT satisfied with reaction from the school, and he has contacted the superintendant. Called at 1pm, no return call today. Hubby is taking child to the police tomorrow, realizing this SHOULD have been the very first thing he did. He called them, but did not bring child into make a statement.
Should he ask for a restraining order from the city for his daughter, against this child? Is that asking too much or should a report just be filed? They don't believe this punishment is harsh enough. They are trying very hard to co-parent together and made great progress in the last 8 months in providing a united front, and both absolutely are in agreement that this kid should not be around stepdaughter after making this type of threat to her! They are both in agreement that their daughter should not have to worry about her safety at school! Especially since the police, principal, teachers and even the superintendant are being notified. My hubby just isn't sure if restraining orders can be filed against minors, this young of a child, how it would effect the parents, etc. We all feel very bad for this kid, who is obviously very troubled, but his job as a parent is to protect HIS daughter. Not to mention, what type of message is it sending to the boy, if the worst punishment is to be off school for a week. In this day, one can never be too cautious when approaching these matters, but what age is considered too young to impose hefty consequences? Thanks in advance for your time.What is the name of your state?