In major trouble here....
What is the name of your state? CA
Where do I post a question regarding a Civil Restraining Order? I don't see a dedicated category... long story short...
I filed restraining order against ex-hubs pregnant girlfriend - judge ordered both of us to stay away from one another up for review 3/11
She violated her promise to court by contacting me and showing to custody exchange and filed ANOTHER false police report against me (or attempted to... I have a premise history on my home due to the multitude of false reports coming from ex hub and girlfriend following his being charged for criminal contempt of DVRO)
On 12/31 she mailed me a Notice of Motion and the proof of service asking that my exhusband be relieved from paying child support all together.... 1/4 she showed to custody exchange and was hiding in the backseat of his car... weird.
Anyway.. just got served with a restraining order from her claiming that I violently threatened her and she fears for her unborn childs safety...
Judge denied - set hearing for 1/17 - is this possible since she is ALREADY the Respondent in a case pending?
Well, I've now had to retain an attorney. After the incident where my exhusband brought his girlfriend with him to a custody exchange - he phoned the police and they'd built a pretty colorful story of a car chase and my threatening to beat her up. Officer had responded - saw from my court documentation that she wasn't even supposed to be near a custody exchange, heard my side of the story and I thought the matter had been dropped.
Back in September I had filed a restraining order against his girlfriend due to the fact that she had phoned my job, daycare, doctors and kept coming to custody exchanges and was a party to all of the false reports of officers coming to my home - he had us agree that there would be no contact from either one of us to the other.
Last weds. his girlfriend had me served with a restraining order coupled with a pretty dramatic and imaginitive narrative of how she feels so threatened by me and that her children and unborn child are in immediate danger.
I filed my response with witnesses that she was the one coming where she knew I would be - letter from my employer showing her phone call to them saying that I harm children - letters from my exhusbands former employer showing that it was his girlfriend (who was also employed in the same office) that was intercepting wage assignment orders for child support and sending them back unopened, the excerpt of one of her many filings under my divorce where she had transcripted out the initial threat "hacking someones head off with a knife" and the addendum that it was only "meant to be funny". (this is where this whole disaster started and I'd filed contempt charges against my exhusband for violation of DVRO - this is when the insane court campaign began) We went to court yesterday.
He listened to her story - he addressed me - I interrupted him and it all went downhill from there. He scolded me quite strongly and told me that I was wasting the time of the court because there are matters at hand that involved children and the whole she stole my boyfriend was childish. He obvioulsy had not read my response.
He granted her restraining order - yet refused to help me close the looophole and simply remind her to not do anything to purposefully get me to violate, i.e., come to custody exchanges. He said that since he didn't have the initial restraining order filed against her in front of him he would not grant the other.
In court she said that I called HER and told HER that she was being watched and said that she felt that she was being stalked. That's not what happened. What I did was called my EX HUSBANDS cell phone and told him that my family watches during custody exchanges and they've seen his girlfriend with him during two other exchanges outside of the one that they caused this last court case over - and to leave me alone. That is when he went to Atwater police (because Modesto police have placed a premise history on my home due to all of their false complaints they'd sent into 911) and I was told that I had broken the law.
Judge told me not to call HER house ever again. Because I'd made him angry he wouldn't even let me tell him that it was my exhusbands cell phone NOT hers.
To complicate matters worse. I'm ordered to allow telephone contact with my exhusband and our three year old daughter. Since the phone call from Atwater police I have had my home line unplugged and refuse to answer it to my exhusband because I am NOT placing myself in a situation that they will obviously use to claim violation of restraining orders. I'm not the most peaceful person at this point and I was VERY aggitated with my exhusband for continually causing situations and then taking the baby to the police station during his visitaiton time and file complaints... again.
This is why I am retaining an attorney to help me - these two are going to do all that they can to put me in jail and that judge has empowered them now with the ability to do that.
You'd asked to keep you posted and this is where I am. Kalea and I have three custody exchanges between now and the 28th which is the hearing that he perpetuated to modify our custody orders. It is at this hearing where he will most certainly present the fact that I now have a restraining order against me and I can certainly guarantee that his girlfriend will show.
This is an absolute nightmare.