I really don't think you have a point anymore. The college doesn't control how other colleges admit students, so they aren't preventing you from transferring. If you aren't in good standing, it's your own fault. End of story.EXACTLY MY POINT! But this is not what UMBC does. They say I have to pay the fine or I can't shop anywhere else! If my "good standing" is gone, isn't it really hard to attend another college? I noticed most transfer applications ask if you are in good standing.
My attacks are due to the fact that a court of your peers found you guilty."more likely than not responsible." Yeah. I read the whole thing (Article VI, Section 6). I'm sorry you feel like you are doing my homework. It is unfortunate you think I am spoiled. Regarding humility: I would suggest these are your problems.
I have read your points and I see some validity in them. There really isn't any need for the ad hominem attacks, is there?
I appreciate your time... and especially that you actually went out of your way to look at the policies.
He billed me $7453, told me to say "Hi" to Zigner, and I heard this shrill laughter as I left his office for some reason..What's your lawyer had to say about the situation?
Sounds like you got your money's worth.He billed me $7453, told me to say "Hi" to Zigner, and I heard this shrill laughter as I left his office for some reason..
It looks like you're the only person that thinks that way.Just by attending the university, you agree to their rules. The only way you will beat this thing is to hire a lawyer (and then you'll have a fine and court costs and attorney costs) or quit school. What say you?
Uh, right dude.It looks like you're the only person that thinks that way.
I don't want to "beat" this thing... I don't want people to be in the situation I was. It really was a hassle, despite how childish some of the people think I'm being by saying so. No, my problem isn't as significant as somebody going to prison of having their life turned upside down... but it is still a problem.
I generally try to take a stab at solving problems rather than just dealing with them.
http://www.telladf.org/UserDocs/RockforLifeComplaint.pdfWhy would the university open themselves up to the liability of that? They wouldn't.
To increase my vulnerability: I don't understand. Could you explain this? I'm a fan of subtlety, but that is downright cryptic.*A: simple answer is no.
Yeah. I really like the fact I get found responsible for something I know I did not do. Furthermore, I am not the only person on the planet that has issue with the fact that a University is finding me responsible for a "crime." They know next to nothing about copyright law and are not presided over by somebody who is trained in law. If I broke a rule of theirs and they have such a problem with it, they could expel me from campus or tell me next time it happens I get suspended from campus (or do similar with my account). Instead they have a Code of Conduct allowing them to say essentially "No problem, just give us $100 and you're good to go."Uh, right dude.
It looks like you're the only person who doesn't think they are responsible for the crimes they commit on the computer. Best o luck to ya.
You know what? Any sysadmin worth their pay could find you easily via MAC address or internal IP address/login times, especially since you are connecting to the internet via the University's private network. My sysadmin at college knew that I kept my PC online 24/7; not because I told him, but because he checked his logs.I think people should be held responsible for the crimes they commit. I even think they should be punished.
By the way, to the guy who thinks they know a lot about tracking computers: The Inexact Science Behind D.M.C.A. Takedown Notices - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com
Yep, real "smoking gun" they got there. Man, I hate when "children" do homework undermining my argument.
It seems like they didn't do such a good job of protecting themselves from this liability. After this was filed, they had to change the Student Code of Conduct. Man, I really need to do my homework! Oh, and choose a major that requires research after I do that.
You, sir, would do well to get off your high horse.
I was just teasing...Please tell me you are going into Poli Sci or Art History where a lack of research really won't hurt you too much.
Hey, Jeff, I'll grant you Art History, but my husband, with both undergrad and graduate degrees in Poli Sci and who teaches American Government at the university level might take issue with the Poli Sci.