Wiley, thank you for your words of wisdom. You actually hit a spot about the distance between visitations. You also have to realize, that my daughter does not go to her dad's often, he has been arrested on multiple occasions for DWI, drug possession, and was just recently charged for the drug possession. I have to be protective of my daughter. I assure all of you, I am not being selfish, and I am well educated. I do not want to play "tug of war" anymore, however I feel that he should pay the consequences for not honoring a court order, period. He has not obeyed the court order for the last 3 years, and I think it is time to take him back and finally set things straight, and play by the court's rules, not by his rules or his wife's. I am tired of having to deal with wifey about MY child. I have not had any contact with dad in over a year via telephone, and then when we exchange our daughter, he has no idea what I'm talking about when I mention "his" emails.
Here is my situation regarding child support that noone answered...Dad got fired, has no income, but wife works. Does dad still need to pay up or do I go after wife's income since she is now the "sole provider" until dad finds a job? The order states that he is to pay no later than the 1st of each month, or will be found in contempt. That is the only verbage about child support.
And to JBowman, I appreciate it. I did not come on forum to argue today as I was only seeking advice. I do admire Ohiogal as she is brutally honest, which is why I come here for advice. She tells it like it is, but she knows her stuff, and I don't take it personally. I just want a normal upbringing for my girl. I was very upset at how I was attacked earlier, which is why I left the comment, but honestly these women are good people and very smart and trust me, OG did not care about my remark, I'm sure. She has heard worse, and been called worse names that I would even think of. lol
Thank you all for opening my eyes about daddy being a peek-a-boo one. I guess it hurts my heart to see my little one cry and for her have to start re-building that relationship with him all over again everytime. He is still a stranger to her and she does not feel comfortable with stepmom. I won't go there and you all truly have a GREAT night. I need to get back to Nancy Grace! Thank you all again!