And neither do you.
Bali, what you, me, Ld, Isabella - ANYONE - thinks about alimony is about as relevant to this thread as the dead mosquito on the bottom of my flip-flops. The law allows for alimony in some cases, and that's pretty much the bottom line.
OP asked a question and was answered as accurately as is possible at this juncture - because of the length of the marriage and the disparity in incomes he will, most likely, be paying something for at least a short amount of time.
Well the law needs to be changed along with limiting the judge's power, but that's also beside the point.
My advice and rationale is just as valid for OP's question, and, just as accurate as all of yours.
The length of the marriage and disparity of incomes are NOT the only factors considered for an alimony award. That's the case at least IF the judge follows the statutes.
In my opinion, (which is just as valid as all your opinions for this subject) alimony is just as likely NOT to be awarded from what little information we have from this OP, and, an award varies from judge to judge.
I don't want every man who comes here to ask "how much and for how long will I be required to pay alimony" as if it's a given because women programmed him that way from birth. That's playing right into the alimony proponets hand.
Poster's who come here should be asking how alimony can be CHALLANGED rather than asking how much and for how long like a henpecked, whipped dog!!