BOR actually brings up a good point, however. I did a cursory review of several Arkansas school handbooks (for elementary, middle and high schools throughout the state) and all of them have "Lost and Found" policies. All are variations on the same theme.
"Lost and Found items will be placed in the multi-purpose room for a reasonable length of time. Students and parents should check the area when something has been lost. Unclaimed items will be disposed of periodically," "Unclaimed lost and found items are donated to charity on the last Friday of each month," "Lost and found items will be discarded periodically," "All items not claimed will be given to charities," "Lost and found items will be discarded if not claimed" . . . . .
If an item is scheduled for disposal or discard or donation, would it still be considered "theft" if a student takes the item before it is tossed? Courts have ruled that items disposed of in the trash are free for the taking.
Nowhere in any of the handbooks that I reviewed does it say that Lost and Found is a "grab bag," certainly, but I am wondering if the taking of items prior to disposal would really be considered theft.
Not that this applies in any way to the situation here, however. . . .