Senior Member
Are you saying that you'll make a back deal for him to pay you outside of the court order?Clearly he isn't paying, and somehow you think that is going to change because your nice to him once?
He had plenty of chances to pay before it reached this lvl of trouble and he didn't.. he just wants you to let him off.
The only thing that will come from this if you do this is him expecting you to "bail" him out again next time... cause when someone lets it get this bad, there will be a next time.
Honey, there is NO way you'll EVER see that money. Now, there is nothing that says that you'll don't take this to court and tell the judge that you are willing to take the purge he is willing to pay you AND the vehicle that will reduce the arrearage by x amount of dollars. The judge may agree to it.
I get it that you don't want your son to think that YOU put his dad in prison. What the child needs to understand is that dad CHOSE to ignore a court order and the JUDGE is the one putting him in jail.
You aren't getting the money now. What difference will it make if he is cooling his heals in prison. Since the GF is on assistance, they could very well put him on a work-release program so that the money he makes is paying for ALL the children. In fact, I would suggest it to the judge if it were me. If you, as a mother, state that you feel that all the parties would be served by dad continuing to work, but spending his nights in prison:
1. dad learns that there are consequences to his actions
2. the children are supported by dad working