I wonder what you are thinking when you say you "know" at the end of the day
the parents can tell the school to take a hike when it comes to detention.
I had the unfortunate experience of racking up quite a few hours of detention during my junior year. I never went, so at the end of the school year, I and several others were told to report to school during summer vacation!
They had us weed (huge stickerbushes that had to be chopped down), clean out lockers and all kinds of stuff like that. One of my fellow workers Dad thought he could throw his weight around and told the school board his son would NO LONGER be attending as he felt he was being abused.
The school board told daddy if his son did not show up, and did not COMPLETE the detention he would not be graduating.
Daddy pressed the issue, took it to court, and LOST!
Funny, because I had a similar conversation with my father, telling him I should not have to go blah blah blah and my Father told me that I WOULD be going, and pretty much told me that the school board could prevent my graduation.So I went. My comrades Dad spent a lot of money to find out exactly that.
So quit making problems where there aren't any. You are not helping your childs character by taking the position that his/her rights are being violated. He needs to learn to clean ,etc. anyway, unless you are planning to pay for his maid too (and even at college).
No-one likes dealing with spoiled children...so give your kid a break and let him develop some character, not into one of those PITA kids that grow up to be PITA adults because they were spoiled beyond reason by Mommy or Daddy!