Junior Member
pa, hello, I am 17 turning 18 in January, I had an incident at school two days ago, involving my boyfriend and a another student, my boyfriend and I had a verbal dispute and he had hit me in the back of the head, but no one saw it and the camera angle didn't capture it which is misfortune . he had been threatening me and called me a , B**h and a c**t , and before he striked me , I had turned around to hit him in the arm and his soup flew everything and burned his arm, he has second degree burns on his arm but decided not to press charges and is not showing up for the court hearing which is to occur within two months, me and him are together and he told the officer it was an accident, on the surveillance camera it didn't look like no accident, um basically the other student was running her mouth and I kinda lost it I verbally attacked her and smacked her with my hoodie sounds silly but that was me resisting to hit her, I didn't control myself although not well I made an attempt not to hit,, they let that go since she only had a scratch, but the police officers came to the school and I am now getting a citation of disorderly conduct on my boyfriend and that only. even thought it was accident and I only hit him back because he had attacked me first, I still am being charged with disorderly conduct, we contacted the officer and he had said since I am a very good student and my principal has had no problems with discipline with me that I need to please not guilty on the citation and he will talk to the judge about just a possible 300 dollar fine. I am not a violent person never have been I honestly have never laid a hand on another person in my life, I keep my anger under control and have no anger problems I just slipped up, and the officer in control is aware of that, but my question is, how am I going to plead not guilty when obviously I am because of the camera, and this is my first o fence and I am under 18, but I am worried about going to juvenile I am in senior year and can't afford to not graduate , I really need help now, I need someone who knows what they're talking about to give me advice, I really am remorseful of this not because i am in legal trouble but because I injured someone I am not like that at all, this is also my first time in legal trouble , ill also add that the officer had said as long as I stay away from trouble and continue to do well in school he would help me out, im just nervous? can someone tell me a possible outcome and why I am pleading not guilty when it is on cam?
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