Thank you all for the wonderful advice.
Last night, at 6pm dad's mom came and picked up daughter for visitation, which she usually does. She is so much more easy to deal with than dad.
Around 7:45, Dad calls my house to talk to daughter. I tell him that his mom picked her up, and she should be with him. He hangs up. I thought it was really weird, but dad has done this before. Called me to talk to daughter, when daughter is supposed to be with him.
My husband suggested that I call grandma and make sure everything is ok.....So I call grandma, and tell her dad called my house looking for daughter and I just wanted to be sure everything was ok. Grandma says everything is fine, and they went out to dinner before heading to dad's house. Grandma says she called dad right after she picked up daughter and told him she was going to feed her before heading to his house. It's about an hour from my house to dad's. Just weird....
I did talk to the crisis center when I was first seeking the RO. They helped me fill out the paper work for the TRO, and gave me advice on what to do if ex calls me, etc. They said they couldn't really help me much more because it wasn't a "domestic violence" situation.
I have an appoinment with my councelor later today. I've been seeing her for the last 2 years, and she has always been very deeply concerned about dad's behavior. She also has worked with the county crisis centers and domestic violence shelters, before she stopped and opened her own practice. She's well aware of what my ex has been like for the last 5 years.
I keep pepper spray in my purse, but I'm going to get a couple others too keep like ontop of the refirgerator, or in a high cabinet (away from little's). That way, I have some around in case my purse isn't close by.
Still haven't heard from my attorney. I know they're I'll just wait.
Thanks again for all the help. It's really really appreciated. If there was a hug button, I'd give each of you one