it's just stupid and truly a waste of money, but not for those profiting from it. I even requested to be referred to a different program for something more appropriate for me. I had to beg and admit I had have several other problems that that could use some attention much more than her perceived drug problem. But that was a message I left on the counselor's voice mail and she hasn't returned it. Incidentally she hung up me earlier because I wasn't satisfied with her verdict that since I admitted to smoking marijuana and using anti anxiety pills of someone else's prescription, automatically I was a person with a substance abuse issue. 'She just kept throwing me all of these pre furnished responses at me that sounded like she'd said a million times to others as if I was a an angry drug addict in denial. It was sickening. She wasn't listening at. Her mind, or what was left of it was made up the moment she picked up the phone. And shut up to those of you who take that as an automatic absolute case of substance abuse. Grow a mind and quit taking all the bs they feed you. I've used said substances on a continual though seldom basis throughout my life to assist with sleep problems, like, but much less than, how people drink coffee every morning for energy, much less than I could get a doctor to prescribe a plethora of medications if I chose that expensive route, but I hadn't the frequency of use for that to make sense. I've never been addicted to drugs nor have an addictive personality. But, and although I lack coping skills in life. Must I admit that my one and only shameful addiction is to porn? maybe I should have mentioned that and got a more appropriate program to be forced to put my money towards. If this makes me a substance abuser than people who drink coffee every day and wolf down junk food or watch television hours a day every day which is very common should also be treated similarly, which would still be ridiculous. List goes on, but point being I was sent for a substance abuse evaluation, and let me tell you, I abuse myself, in many ways, like we all do, but any kind of drug "abuse" or "addiction" is the least of my worries and for some stranger with her certificate or license or whatever up in a plaque on her wall which she was apparently very proud of with all of these recent hallmark congratulations cards displayed, to ask me ten questions then take the authority and gall to tell me I now have treated for problems I don't have and I have to pay my time and money for... it's bs and anyone who doesn't see this I'm guessing must have lost their ability to think as an individual and human being and has been taking over by this impersonal insensitive robotic mindless system we're all slaves to... anyway, it's about time I find some way to abuse myself....