This is even a better lesson than that. The PO is IN CHARGE of son's life. With cause, he can have son pay for his crime(s) behind bars. That's good as son needs some work on following authority.
Someday, if he learns his lesson, he can work for a boss. Bosses generally can't put you in jail, but they can pay you or fire you and not pay you. That decision makes the boss IN CHARGE of the worker during the work day. (Some go further like drug testing and similar things.)
Some bosses are unfair, hurtful and demanding about minor matters. Son might as well learn how to hoopjump satisfyingly now when it really matters BEFORE he reaches the point in his work life. Then he has a choice to comply or look for another job. If the lesson is not learned, the only option will be to find another job as he won't have the life skills to deal with the adversity.