I'm not hiding anything. I have another thread about the "other charges" but I don't want to write anything too specific because they are ongoing and not even at the plea stage. I actually do have visitation rights...sorta. there is so much to explain. When I was charged with perjury and trying to influence a public officer, she applied for a civil restraining order. We came to a mediated agreement of a 90 day restraining order without review. Apart of that agreement was that she would allow me two hours per week of supervised visitations at an approved visitation house (I don't know what else to call it). So, instead of going before the judge, we signed the mediated agreement, This is separate from the divorce proceeding and I should have mentioned it earlier. I went to the third party home and filled out my portion of the paperwork right away. Three weeks later and she hadn't filled out her portion of the paperwork so I could see the kids. I filed a motion with the court last week asking that she be compelled to fill out the paperwork and honor our mediated visitation rights. So, she was willing to negotiate during our mediated civil restraining order process but she did not follow through on her part which is a sign of things to come.The reason your suicide attempt, etc., weighs more, legally is because, in addition to being recent, it is DOCUMENTED.
Adultery is difficult to prove, legally, so might as well be a nonissue, legally. (I assume you have not quantifiable proof, because if you did, that would have been mentioned already.) Furthermore, even proving you would have been physically incapable of being the biological father of the child she aborted would be nontrivial.
As far as drug use goes - unless you have PROOF, you're better off not casting aspersions. There is no mention of police reports, her being caught using drugs, CPS being involved, etc. You NOT reporting this is equivalent to tacit approval. You mentioning it after the fact will make you look worse than her; it makes you look spiteful.
Not having an attorney would be a recipe for disaster.
You have displayed thus far a woeful lack of knowledge of what'll fly in court. You are focusing on the wrong issues, and losing yourself in insignificant details (legally speaking). Since you can't agree agree on anything, you WON'T do well together in mediation - and no judge wants to see you channeling Matlock. You are too emotionally overwrought - you cannot AFFORD to do this without a lawyer.
You should have pursued visitation already - supervised is a whole lot better than nothing.
And this bit about your other charges... you are being far too coy. Which has me wondering just what you're hiding.
You make some very good points that I hadn't thought about. I can prove that she got pregnant, had an abortion, and that I could not have fathered the child but like you said...that really isn't that important (I don't really know why, but I believe you). There is no evidence of her drug abuse other than if she were to fail a drug test and my not complaining earlier could easily sound like sour grapes and tacit approval. I'm not intentionally hiding anything here as I know not telling the truth wouldn't help me at all.
this whole thread just makes me realize more and more, the mistakes I've made. I am overwrought with emotions. I need both a criminal and a civil attorney and I can't afford either.
I don't know what to do, that is why I came on this board and posted two threads (one about the divorce, one about the charges). I have been totally honest. My only reason for being vague about the charges is because I don't want to say anything that could be potentially used against me in court (I don't know if that is even possible or not but I didn't want to risk it).
Thank you for your honest analysis of my situation.