Update Once Again
So this has been long emotionally taxing time. Since my last posting ,we continued to go back and forth with the Insurance Co. We would submit paperwork , they would counteract with every excuse as to why they shouldnt pay.
We ended up taking out a loan to replace our home , since we needed a place to live. While still fighting the insurance Co,
About 3 weeks ago, we filed a complaint with the State upon the advise of our PA, they confirmed reciept of the complaint, and told us the Insurance Co had ten days to respond per law, we hadnt heard anything, and Ironically enough over the weekend I thought , I have to look at the date of that letter, there should be some update soon.
On Monday of this week , Our PA called and asked if we recieved anything from the State, we stated no as we had not, He stated he had recieved a message left on his voice mail from the weekend, from the Insurance Company that they were paying the claim in full.
Having heard that at least 4 times already , I was monotone , LOL.
Yesterday in the mail I recieved a letter from the State saying that they were pleased with the results, and attached letters they recieved ,( in in turn the Insurance CO said they sent us as well, still nothing) It states they are paying the claim in full , and consider it a total loss.
I am a little more optomistic, although My family has gone thru phsychological hell for 8 months, Id like to hire a lawyer for the pain and suffering they have put my family thru.
I still have to settle the ALE , but maybe now that they realize big brother stepped in , it will go smoother?