totally lost
Junior Member
I live in MS, but, my ex-wife lives in TN with my 5 year old daughter. There is far too much to this case to write here but I will put as much as I can. My daughter has stated her mother's boyfriend has been touching her to my wife, my step-daughter, two school teachers, myself and a Child Psychologist. I have reported this twice to CPS of TN and both times they did an inadequate investigation and sent my little girl right back into the house with her abuser. A couple weeks after the second CPS report, my ex-wife filed dependent neglect charges against me claiming I had coached my daughter and subjected her to an unnecessary medical exam (There was findings in the exam). According to what a lawyer told me, by law, there must be a hearing within 72 hours and the court did not do this. The papers filed on me said "Change Of Custody" and the court date was set for a month after I was served. My ex-wife and I were divorced in a differant county than she lives, and her lawyer wants this case in the county she lives because the judge and him are friends. The judge also Personally knows the child molester's RICH family. I managed to get temporary custody of my daughter through the County Court where we were divorced. During the time I had tempory custody of my daughter was when she told the teachers about being touched. DHS of MS was contacted and this is when my daughter disclosed to a Child Psychologest and my daughter was placed in the custody of MS DHS. The MS judge over the case ordered my daughter NOT be taken out of the state, even by DHS. The TN judge in the county where my ex-wife lives clamed jurisdiction over my daughter's case and ordered it turned over to his court. The judge in MS did not do this so the judge in TN charged me with contempt and ordered I stay in jail, not only until my daughter was returned to her mother in TN, but that she was given UNCONDITIONAL custody. My lawyer finally filled a Second Order On Petition For Writ Of Habeas Corpus in a differant court and that judge ordered my release after 34 for days in jail. My lawyer has since told me if I file a lawsuite against the county, the judge or DCS of the county he would no longer represent me because it would ruin his business in that county due to the judge being mad at him. This judge is as dirty as they come and now I'm being blackmaled by my own lawyer. He also doesn't want to try to fight to get me custody of my daughter anymore. Instead he ask me what I could live with as for my daughter remaining with her mother. How am I supposed to live with anyway knowing my little girl is living with a child molester? For God's sake, for my little girl's sake, can ANYONE help me? PLEASE!
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