I'm aware that life isn't fair, however, people need to reject that unfairness and not just accept it as the norm. Your mission values in keeping with societal goals are to make life more fair and not to make it more unfair as the family court system attempts to do.
I agree that it should be a level playing field, so to speak, when it comes to family law (and many other types of laws). However, the way to change those, is NOT being so bitter, so angry that you put your head down and barrel headlong into the arena, thinking that brute strength and awkwardness will change them.
FWIW--I didn't seek alimony/maintenance in my divorce (I could have, the state laws allow for it), I just wanted to be done. I did, however, fight the Ex's request for lower child support, simply because he thought he should have to pay less due to his lack of work. And his unemployment was due to him lying on a job application about his conviction for domestic assault. I lost the battle over child support. I took him to court, and won, because he refused to pay his half of out-of-pocket medical expenses. His reasoning was because I didn't always get his permission to take the kids to the doctor. We're talking doctors' visits for ear infections, strep throat, and an ER visit for a kidney stone (in my then 9 y/o child). So, ya' see...things have not been easy or fair in my little world either. I choose to not be bitter and angry. I am saddened and hugely disappointed that the man I chose to create children with has literally turned his back on them (hasn't seen them in over 3 years, and refuses to have contact with them, because the kids don't like his current wife---) and it's mostly due to the fact that I grew a backbone, refused to continue living with his lies, cheating and abuse, and divorced him. How dare I have the audacity to stand up to myself and divorce him??