We know what he needs to do
So, he has an attorney. Good for him.
But, is there any kind of an order preventing him from contacting you? If so, how can "we" be doing anything?
I'm trying to find out if there is anything I can do honestly I want to press harassment charges or something along those lines on the prosecutor they are ruining our life my fiancé has lost two jobs because of this matter we are behind on our bills getting eviction notices and shut off notices our children are upset because their dad is not at home is there anything I can do
The prosecutor has absolute discretion in the filing of criminal charges. You have no claim against the prosecutor at all.
It's very possible that the witness or even your child who was interviewed have made statements indicating that he laid hands on you either at the hospital or before. If he did, then you need to come to grips with that and I would strongly encourage you to get assistance. Your county likely has counseling services available, and there are also numerous resources for the victims of domestic violence including counseling and legal resources.
One thing to keep in mind is that if there is any violence (or simply frequent verbal put-downs and arguments) your children) will learn that this is normal behavior for men and women and will only perpetuate the cycle in their own relationships.
Only you know the truth of what happened or did not happen, but don't pretend that it's all okay if it is not. DV can be about more than merely physical assault, it can also involve controlling and verbally abusive behavior as well ... while not always actionable as a criminal matter, these things can be part of the pathology.
Good luck to you.