I know because two months prior when the cops came to check my car, the police officer told me.
I would also add that, with all due respect, the person displaying a hint of a temper--and even rudeness-- is you. When someone asks you for advice the first question you should ask yourself is what should I do if I were in this person's situation? From the get go your comments were cynical and downright contemptuous.
What I did (calling the cops on my neighbor) was fair. Not right, but fair. My neighbor didn't give me a chance to move my car and all I did was extend the same "courtesy" . As far as I'm considered, we're settled. I haven't cared to risk getting another ticket by parking in front of my house, but because other people have always parked there and they continue to do so--and if this makes you feel any better ohiogal, I couldn't care less.
LdiJ: I'm renting the house and unfortunately, not only is there no drive way but there isn't much of an extended property attached to it, so my only option to park right now is on a different block.
As for the variance, I don't care about it anymore. I got both tickets wiped. The law has a funny way of counterbalancing itself.