Bottom line: you broke the law and there is evidence. In addition to the video, anyone on that bus who saw you, including the bus driver, can be considered a witness, so stop it with that line of reasoning and blathering on about your constitutional rights being violated.
Legally: you could try to beg for leniency, since you are claiming that you were unaware that the Stop Arm was out, and you would never do this intentionally, except... you don't seem to believe that. So it's rather difficult imagining you making a convincing argument of that.
Arguing that the camera is illegal will get you NOWHERE and just p*** off a judge. The fact is, it's currently the law, and there are many other ways your actions could have been observed and reported.
Arguing that the law is wrong will get you NOWHERE and just p*** off a judge.
EVEN IF. Even if you were in the left turn turn, you would have to stop/yield for the bus.