*sigh* You're not getting around the requirement, period. If you didn't pass Math 1 then you won't be able to take Math 2. Yes, they will drop the math 2 once they figure out you've signed up for it without its prerequisite, most likely either just before the class starts or during the first week. And you're wrong about the grade at CC. They DO take the grade AND the credits. Taking the class at CC is the same as taking it at your regular college, the only difference being the location (and sometimes the difficulty of the class) so again, if you don't have the prerequisite for math 2 then your college won't allow the transient class being taking at CC because in order to take said class your college has to approve it. Which they won't if they know you don't have the proper math 1 grade. Your only options will be to see if Math 1 is offered at the CC for summer then do math 2 in the fall at your university, or take math 1 in the fall and do math 2 in the spring. Trust me, your dancing won't work. I promise. They know students like you will do whatever it takes to try to work out the requirements so their system WILL "pick up on what you're putting down" as my oldest puts it.Ok I'm going to dig myself in a deeper hole now but whatever. In the US students can ask their University to take a summer class at a cheaper Community college. I'm going to try and get the school to let me register for a math 2 at a community college for the summer. If all works out well I will be on track to take Math 3 in the fall. The schools take the credit hours of the community college but not the grade so as long as I pass I should be fine. Going to pray to see if this will work because my school doesn't offer a course equivalency for math 1.