Senior Member
I disagree with justalayman only in his opinion that the film "A Beautiful Mind" is not educational. I think it could educate students on schizophrenia as long as the flaws in the movie are pointed out (or as long as a license is obtained from the copyright holder to show the film ).Thank you. I will change my planning accordingly and will no longer show the movie (though, for the record, it is my opinion that it is a fairly accurate representation of schizophrenia; whether it is a true depiction of John Nash's life is not for me to say).
Here is a link to a 2002 article published in In Vivo (news from Columbia Health Sciences) about the film and its depiction of schizophrenia, written by Roberto Gil, who was at the time an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry and director of the schizophrenia research unit of the New York State Psychiatric Institute. http://www.cumc.columbia.edu/publications/in-vivo/Vol1_Iss3_feb11_02/pov.html
I certainly think that "A Beautiful Mind" has more educational value than "Frozen."