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Fiance threatened to "take me before a judge" during an argument over money. Bluff?

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Junior Member
Fiance threatened to "take me before a judge" during an argument over money. Bluff?

Need some advice. I know it may sound more like relationship issues but there are legal worries here, too.

I am engaged to a business owner and he is one that threatens litigation a lot. He talks about it to me — and uses it to get his way when things are going well business wise. It’s remarkable but it works almost every time. He gets his way always.

We broke up last year and he had (at that time) been in control of our finances. I was making over 100k and he told me I was overspending. Absolutely WRONG. But would even give me a hard time for getting a manicure the way I typically did. He said since I wasn’t in the public eye as much since I changed jobs to move with him — I needed to stop getting nails done. (I was only doing once a month).

Anyway, when we broke up he left me with nothing. I had NOTHING. Except a big tax bill. He took my gross income and spent it without setting money aside for taxes. He said had I stayed with him through the end of the year it would have been fine because of he is the “king of tax write offs/deductions”.

He even had himself on my company and was using it as a way to write off our dinners… So, I had to pay 200 dollars in legal to get him removed from my company… asap.

This was a year ago. We have been back together. I control all of my own money and income. I have a new company now — I hired a developer to help me with my new online platform. My fiancé wanted (demanded) to be a part of the meeting. He didn’t like the idea that I was keeping him out of my new business.

When we met with the developer he really railroaded me in the whole meeting. Told him all the things he needed to include in the platform (from his expertise and speciality). The developer was very receptive to what he was saying and I don’t think he realized what was happening.

When we left I told him that I was very concerned with the way he controlled the meeting and didn’t even let me speak. He said that it was my fault for not speaking up more.

Fast forward to last night. He started insulting me about money and said he should charge me and the developer 12 thousand dollars for just that one meeting where he gave his advice.

Then he started telling me that I am a ‘fraud’ because I haven’t paid him half of our vacation expenses (it’s next month) yet. I told him I would as soon as I got my new client after the first of January. I would write him a check or wire transfer.

He said that he was worried he couldn’t trust me. He said that when he left me last year -that my business credit card (in his name only) had 1k on it and that I never paid it and left him with the debt. I said you had ALL OF MY PAYCHECKS! He said that since I STILL haven’t paid him for that credit card (he disputed it and told the bank it was wrong identity that it was MY business and shouldn’t be linked to him) that I am clearly out to get him.

He told me at that time when he left me he hired a FORENSIC ACCOUNTANT to go over the finances. And that he was happy to go to court with me THEN AND NOW to show that I overspent and that I should actually PAY BACK money for my meals and living expenses. I said you are RIGHT NOW threatening to go before a judge? He said if that’s what it takes he will be happy to show that I was “abusing him”.

He currently spends no money on me. I pay all my own bills. And up until last month when I got short — I had been paying for ALL OF HIS MEALS, EATING OUT AND ENTERTAINMENT. One month that was 5k.

So when he told me he was prepared to take our records before a judge that really alarmed me. However, I KNOW that he threatens and bluffs a lot. This is how he gets his way in life — and he translates that to me when it comes to money.

My question is — do I need a lawyer — is it possible for him to CHARGE me legally for services he never said he would charge for?

I don’t think he would really do this but if we break up again or he leaves me — God only knows. He hired a FORENSIC ACCOUNTANT last year? He said it was because his lawyer suggested he protect himself from ME. It’s true that he never came after me —only to reconcile.

Any advice would be appreciated.


I'm a Northern Girl
He is blowing smoke and you're letting him.

Yes, you need a lawyer. But not because you've done anything wrong or because he had any legal claim against you. You need a lawyer because the ONLY thing you need to do is break up with him RIGHT NOW, STAY broken up with him and have that lawyer put the fear of God into him if he so much as BREATHES in your direction again.


Junior Member
I hear you. It's hard. I love him and when these fights happen it hurts, badly. This morning he wrote on the mirror how i'm the love of his life and he can' wait to see what our future holds.

But, then last night he started also talking about his house.
He has no real money. However, he has a house that he wants to sell. He will be lucky to get 100k out after it's all said and done.

He said since I mentioned that I was helping pay the mortgage all those months he had my income that he will NEVER let me receive any of the money from the house and if that was what I was alluding to -- I'm insane. (I never did!)

I said that i felt that it was fair going forward if I'm helping pay the mortgage to have a portion of the proceeds if something went wrong - he said would you ever ask your apartment landlord for money back? NO -- and you should feel ashamed for ever even THINKING that about me. I said so I am your tenant? he said for legal purposes right now...yes.

He is blowing smoke and you're letting him.

Yes, you need a lawyer. But not because you've done anything wrong or because he had any legal claim against you. You need a lawyer because the ONLY thing you need to do is break up with him RIGHT NOW, STAY broken up with him and have that lawyer put the fear of God into him if he so much as BREATHES in your direction again.


Senior Member, Non-Attorney
He is blowing smoke and you're letting him.

Yes, you need a lawyer. But not because you've done anything wrong or because he had any legal claim against you. You need a lawyer because the ONLY thing you need to do is break up with him RIGHT NOW, STAY broken up with him and have that lawyer put the fear of God into him if he so much as BREATHES in your direction again.
But she "luuuvvvsss" him.

I hear you. It's hard. I love him and when these fights happen it hurts, badly.
I was starting to write it when the OP came out and said it.

Look, lexiedavid99, this "man" <spit> that you "love" is an abuser, plain and simple. Get away from him and get yourself to a therapist to help you see this.


Junior Member
Thank you. I understand. Sometimes you need to seek objectivity to hear the harsh truth that you already know but want to deny.

Is there any way for me to get MY money back at all from the time he controlled all of my income? I have no access to the financials so couldn't get my own 'forensic accountant'

But she "luuuvvvsss" him.

I was starting to write it when the OP came out and said it.

Look, lexiedavid99, this "man" <spit> that you "love" is an abuser, plain and simple. Get away from him and get yourself to a therapist to help you see this.


I'm a Northern Girl
There's no way for us to know that for sure. Another reason you need a lawyer.


Obvious Observer

My advice remains the same: get out.

Follow quincy's suggestion: Here is a link to domestic violence victim resources in Texas: https://www.womenslaw.org/find-help/tx


Junior Member
Yes, and I got my answer on that last night too. I asked for access to the camera. He said no.
Said that it was clear I was trying to do something bad to him by even asking for that.

Then this morning he sent me a log in to the system. But I don't see cameras on there... at all.


My advice remains the same: get out.

Follow quincy's suggestion: Here is a link to domestic violence victim resources in Texas: https://www.womenslaw.org/find-help/tx


I hear you. It's hard. I love him and when these fights happen it hurts, badly. This morning he wrote on the mirror how i'm the love of his life and he can' wait to see what our future holds.
He doesn't love you. Like at all. Not one iota. If he did there'd be no threats, no defensiveness about how you're out to get him, no controlling your finances, meetings and everything else, and there'd be no complete disregard of every single one of your boundaries.

Get away from him. He is using you because you ALLOW him to run roughshod all over you. Because you love him... but he doesn't love you back.

Also, he will never change. Not because of you, not because you're leaving, and not with the passage of time.


Obvious Observer
Yes, and I got my answer on that last night too. I asked for access to the camera. He said no.
Said that it was clear I was trying to do something bad to him by even asking for that.

Then this morning he sent me a log in to the system. But I don't see cameras on there... at all.
So why didn't you put coal in his stocking?

There are worse things in life than being alone.

He is not going to change for the better. There is nothing you can do to prove your trust. Don't worry about you breaking up proving that he is right.

There are worse things in life that proving him right.

Believe me: it is the best gift that you can get for yourself. You won't realize just how bad things are until you are out of it. If you get no money back... you are still coming out ahead. Your child needs you - maternal love should be stronger than what you feel for this creep.


I'm a Northern Girl
Lexie, hon, this guy is bad news. He's a manipulator, an abuser, and you need to wash your hands of him NOW.

Make an appointment with a lawyer to find out how to (a) straighten out your finances and (b) protect yourself from this guy and (b) a counselor to figure out why you keep letting this guy control you.


Senior Member
OP your posting history suggests you don't want sound advice to RUN from this situation like,TODAY and don't look back .


Junior Member
Fortunately, my finances are okay now -- as I have all of my own money and accounts.

I do have a separate question here.

I can also post in other forum in needed.

He made sure that he was on my old company. He was an "agent" or something ridiculous. He was on my business bank account, too. As it turned out, we had a business credit card, but I guess because he had the higher credit score -- they put the card only in his name. However, we both had cards. We didn't know this was the case. We thought we both had equal risk on the card.

He controlled all of my income/paychecks. And about 3 weeks before he left me -- I put a thousand dollars of travel expenses on that card. He knew about that. He wasn't happy, but it was because I was traveling for work and it was the best way to do it, until I got reimbursed.

After he left me (with nothing except 2k in the bank account after taking out 15k the day before and putting it in his INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT) he found out that the credit card was only in his name. He went and cut all access to it. So my business account was depleted, my business credit card was cut off and I had no way to function for a short period of time.

He told the bank that the business was MINE and he should have no responsibility for the 1,000 on the card. He claimed identity fraud or something.

When we got back together 6 weeks later, I found out that he wanted me to pay the bill. He said that he would never trust me with credit or money again because I 'left him' with that bill.

I said YOU HAD ALL THE INCOME! He said I should have paid it asap after he left me. And he will never co-sign anything again with me.

He said the reason he emptied the accounts (basically) the day before he left me was because he was using it to pay bills from his auto bill pay on his individual account.
And that is true. That's what he would do - -he would take money out of our joint account and transfer to his to pay bills.

But, throughout the past year he hasn't paid that card. He claimed fraud and he still has the bank calling ME to pay it off.

Would you pay it off if you were me? Or leave him with the balance. I think he's already threatened to sue the bank too -- and somehow it's not impacting his credit score.

Lexie, hon, this guy is bad news. He's a manipulator, an abuser, and you need to wash your hands of him NOW.

Make an appointment with a lawyer to find out how to (a) straighten out your finances and (b) protect yourself from this guy and (b) a counselor to figure out why you keep letting this guy control you.


I'm a Northern Girl
My answer has not changed. Do not pay him a dime; call an attorney and a therapist, not necessarily in that order, and get that guy out of your life as soon as possible.

I cannot even imagine any additional facts you could post that would make me change that answer.

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