Well, a couple of members here are attorneys, but you are correct that this is not a site for obtaining actual legal advice. It is a site for general information and discussion of the law.
I disagree with that. The attorney must discuss the matter with the prospective client prior to entering into the fee agreement. An attorney should not take on a client blind; the attorney has to know what the client's situatuion is in order to know if the attorney is competent to handle the client's matter as well as decide if it is a matter the attorney wants to handle. Also, the client needs to know from the prospective attorney his/her thoughts on the matter before retaining the attorney. Note that discussions an attorney has with a prospective client are also protected by the attorney-client privilege and the duty of confidentiality. So the prospective client is not at risk when discussing his legal matters with an attorney whom he or she is considering to hire, even if the attorney and client never actually enter into an agreement for representation.