The other night, I was walking my dogs at night and they walk on both sides of the sidewalk. Sometimes, they’re sniffing and I just let them go ahead (leashed) and sniff what’s around. The neighbor saw me in the yard, and I tugged my dogs to move and keep walking. The next day, I was on the same route, and passed the same neighbor, they came out and yelled at me, saying they’ve called the cops for me trespassing and that my dog pooped on their yard, which is a lie. I usually have bags on me. Anyhow, considering the threatening nature of this neighbor, I decided ok, well I’m not going to walk this route, and be done with it. However, I now received a letter in the mail saying that they have given me notice for “trespassing” and “droppings” and that they will call the police again if they see me again. I’m scared, I don’t know this person, I’ve never talked to them, how did they find out where I live? She must’ve followed me home that day to find out, isn't this harassment, what can I do? Help