I have only so much time to put towards defending principles. Pamphlets under my windshield wiper are not the hill I choose to die on. I'd rather put my efforts into making sure that we can get rid of a certain buffoon at the appropriate time, naming no names. I get home from work at the same time whether there's a flyer on my windshield or not. How other people choose to spend their time, is their business.
And when they came for the Jews, I did nothing for I was not a Jew and it didn’t affect me.
When they came for the Catholics I did nothing for I was not a Catholic and it didn’t affect me.
Now they have come for me there are no others left to help.
Now I’m told to rebuke the other classes for the leader has told me they are bad people
Who will help me when I’m the target.
When we ignore a problem, we allow the perpetrator to act outside of the rule of law that allows us to be safe in our own lives.
Ya, it’s little crime but at what level of crime do we sit up and take notice? At what level do we actually act to hold the perpetrator responsible.
I guess it’s ok to ignore crimes we don’t feel warrant our time.
I know some pretty rough people. I have a suspicion there isn’t a crime they feel warrants reporting, but I guess that’s ok because they don’t want to spend their time dealing with it.