Just wanted to post here again because unfortunately, I didn't get in contact with an ombudsman back in April when you guys suggested but I think I'm to the point in doing so now. Since April, I've been having all kinds of off and on physical symptoms that were never happening prior to the incident. While I do understand things can just happen out of nowhere as life happens, I feel as if they're all delayed onset things as a result to my injuries.
For quite some time after April, I was dealing with a lot of depersonalization/derealization and eventually what I found to be possibly visual snow syndrome (static in vision, floaters, photophobia, visual distortions, palinopsia, contrast problems, ringing/buzzing in ears, etc.). I was always bringing these things up to my WC Doctor who at one point said "Yeah, I don't think any of that is related to your injuries and are just coming on" -- all while I've also been pushing for some sort of head imaging which at one point my adjuster agreed needed to be done as well. I have also been complaining about left knee pain, which again, was never happening prior to the incident. However, her response was the same thing... but, the nurse tech asks me every visit before the Doctor comes in how my knee is doing and then tells me she's going to let the Doctor know. This last visit, I told her the pain was a 7 and once the Doctor walked in, she immediately sat down without saying anything else and says "Yeah, so about your left knee, I don't think it's related to your incident. I know it's hurting so you'll have to talk to your PCP about it." Hell, at one point, she even said "You didn't get head imaging at the hospital?" Umm... she was the first Doctor I saw. During this visit, she finally agreed to order a head scan that I've been asking for every visit but has been getting refused because "I didn't have any issues closer to my initial injury." To that note, this was a week and a half ago and the workers comp adjuster still has yet to approve the order and doesn't respond to my calls or emails 3-4 days later or in this case, 8 days since my last email and still no reply back.
This evening, I decided to look at my workers comp status reports I get every time I leave the Doctors office and I noticed the description of my injuries and list of diagnosis' keeps getting shorter and things being added/removed. I'm not entirely sure if this is normal or what... but it's quite upsetting because I don't even think what I originally went in for and told them about is being properly documented, therefore her determination of what's coming on its own vs what's related directly from the injury is easy to make because she doesn't even remember what I initially came in for and was treated for.
What I originally went in for (I have pictures for proof & it's on my Police report):
- Abrasion to left and right knee
- Abrasion to back of head
- Abrasion to right and left palm
- abrasion to right knuckles
- Contusion to right side of ribs
- Contusion to right abdominal wall
What was documented after my first visit:
- Description of Injuries/Accident: "Was robbed at gunpoint, hit on the head with a gun and when running out the back of the store tripped and fell hurting himself."
- Diagnosis's:
- Acute stress disorder
- Scalp contusion
- Contusion, abdominal wall
- Contusion of rib on right side
Looking at my most recent status report and others in between, things are being changed/removed/shortened:
- Description of Injuries/Accident: "Fell to ground after being assaulted"
- Diagnosis's:
- Acute stress disorder
- Abrasion to left knee
- Contusion of rib on right side
- Contusion, abdominal wall
The addition of a contusion to my left knee was added, scalp abrasion was removed, and abrasion to all other extremities is nowhere to be found. I believe that even though the Doctor is to summarize these things, it's hindering my treatment capabilities someway or another. I already asked my adjuster to see another Doctor for a second opinion and he completely ignored my request and only mentioned I should be seen by a neurologist, which he never even found me one either.
I'm guessing at this point, I need to contact the ombudsman? If so, I will definitely do this Monday because I'm tired of suffering from all of these physical symptoms that are making me feel incapable of returning back to work. I'm also tired of the "it's anxiety" excuses to continue downplaying my symptoms and ability to treat me.
This might be more of a rant and I apologize. It's just frustrating.