rmet4nzkx said:
She is also pregnant by the man she is living with. She is not a Christian and has no religious afiliation, he ex became a Christian prior to their divorce and his desire to raise the children with his religious affiliation was a part of the divorce. Ever since she agreed to the provisions of the divorce she has been looking for excuses, such as,
inch by inch.....
So if they moved 12 miles further and now she is going on public assistance because she and this unborn baby are not being supported by the man she is living with, and won't have money to drive back and forth to school, see where she is heading?
I love the malicious intent you ascribe to everything.
Yes, I'm pregnant by the man I'm living with. And? And no, I'm not Christian, however I wouldn't say that I have 'no religious affiliation', I'd say it's none of anyone's business what my affiliation is.
The divorce was final well over 18 months ago. It would be very incorrect and unfounded for you to say that 'ever since then' I've been 'looking for excuses'.
I filed for the modification ONLY after more than a year. And ONLY after the ex began saying things like "As sole legal custodian, I have 100% say over your life and that of the children while in your care." and "The time I allow you to spend with the children is a gift to you." and "They have another mother now, so you can back off."
You have no idea whether or not I am being supported by my current boyfriend. And, while it is absolutely none of your business at all, I have been considering filing for assistance since about 3 months after the divorce, and haven't done so because I haven't wanted to rock the boat by having the state try and get child support from my ex. THAT is why I posted the question.
And yeah, I asked a very legitimate question re: my daughter's injury. I didn't once state that I felt it was neglect, or that I was going to attempt to use it against anyone. In fact, I stated that I DID NOT intend to. However, I'm sure that if the roles were reversed, my ex WOULD have tried to use it against me, since he tried to use allowing my 8 year old mowing the lawn as a reason to modify custody (she could, after all, get hurt).
Again, thanks for your input, but it would be much more appreciated, and much more accurate if you stopped deciding for me what my motivations are, and then sharing your incorrect assumptions with others.