Last year my girlfriend went to Kaiser for a check up and the lab informed her that she had syphilis and gonorhea! The lab technician instructed the tester to retest the sample as the first test's results were "unreadable".I had been (we have since broken up) faithful 100% and she was very pregnant at the time so it is impossible that she was infected. I went to the V.A. and got tested with negative results. They (Kaiser) proceeded to forward her information to the CDC. Needless to say, this has effectively ruined our relationship and caused a great deal of emotional distress. Even after I returned home with my test results she thinks I gave her 2!!! std's. Ive never had an std in my life. What are my options.
Last year my girlfriend went to Kaiser for a check up and the lab informed her that she had syphilis and gonorhea! The lab technician instructed the tester to retest the sample as the first test's results were "unreadable".I had been (we have since broken up) faithful 100% and she was very pregnant at the time so it is impossible that she was infected. I went to the V.A. and got tested with negative results. They (Kaiser) proceeded to forward her information to the CDC. Needless to say, this has effectively ruined our relationship and caused a great deal of emotional distress. Even after I returned home with my test results she thinks I gave her 2!!! std's. Ive never had an std in my life. What are my options.