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my dog bit and I have no insurance

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feeling bad

Junior Member
What is the name of your state? Az
My dog bit someone and it resulted in a serious injury. The bite was on the face and it is very possible that there may be permanent scarring. I do not have home owners insurance. If they sue, is there a limit to what they can recover from me? Should I get a lawyer? Can they take my business? Please help?


Senior Member
If they sue, is there a limit to what they can recover from me?
well, the saying, "you can't get blood from a turnip" is applicable but they would be able to take all the turnip juice.

Should I get a lawyer?
if there is any action inititated, it would definately be in your best interest to protect whatever you can.

Can they take my business?
It all depends on the corporate structure and ownership. It may be possible but imposible to determine given the info posted.

Please help?
buy some fricken insurance for future situations.

Oh, you meant for this situation. Not much anybody can do now. Can;t unring a bell.


Actually you do have insurance... You are what we call "self insured" when you don't purchase it from someone else.

feeling bad

Junior Member
Should I make an offer to keep this from going to court?

Since I have no insurance Do you think it would be wise to make her an offer so we can settle out of court. Im really afraid that I could lose everything here. What kinds of things does one take into consideration when trying to settle this type of thing out of court. I know the basics like hospital bills, time of work but how can I determine what is fair for punitive damages. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


How 'serious' is serious?
How many stitches?
How many inches of a gash?
Where exactly on the face?
Did this happen on your property?

They can sue you for any amount.
They can 'attempt' to recover whatever a judges finding is for. If they can't recover now, the judgment is good for xxx amount of years then renewable. They can end up with anything you might inherit, or win in a lawsuit, if they have a judgment and keep on top of your life events.
Your name is tied to your business?

Why didn't you have HO insurance? Previous claims? Have you had a dog bite issue before?

feeling bad

Junior Member
My dog bit 3/4 ofa inch of her lip off. They had to cut her face from the side of her nose to the lip and then stretch the remaining lip to the other side of her mouth. They did not keep her in the hospital over night or anything but the plastic surgeon said that there was nothing further that could be done for her. I do not own a the home in which I am living there fore I have no insurance to cover this. She is permanently disfigured from all of this and I wouldnt even know where to begin in trying to settle out of court. She has told us that she got a lawyer although I have not heard anything from the lawyer yet.

feeling bad

Junior Member
As I said she got a lawyer. I didnt think both of us asking for advice would be a conflict of interest seeing how neither one of us is paying for it. I just want to know where I stand. She could take everything from me. Im really worried. She may even be able to legally force my dog to be put down. I guess Im the bad guy here because she is the one that got hurt but does that mean Im not entitled to ask for advice as well?


By looking at her posts and yours I say play nice with her. Your going to have to pay for the medical cost and then I would offer her a lump sum hoping that she might sign something releasing you from any additional cost that she may incur down the road.


Senior Member
As I said she got a lawyer. I didnt think both of us asking for advice would be a conflict of interest seeing how neither one of us is paying for it. I just want to know where I stand. She could take everything from me. Im really worried. She may even be able to legally force my dog to be put down. I guess Im the bad guy here because she is the one that got hurt but does that mean Im not entitled to ask for advice as well?
Ummm.... have you done ANYTHING to prevent such an incident in the future? I don't care if she'd been giving herself a steak facial - your dog BIT OFF A CHUNK OF HER FACE!

I love my dog. I'd have him put down in a heartbeat for something like this.

feeling bad

Junior Member
Geez you sound like my wife... Just because my dog bit this person doesnt mean he is a danger to our baby. Besides this bitch provoked my dog. She looked him in the eye. I will not put my dog down

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