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my dog bit and I have no insurance

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Junior Member
The dog was a retriever chow mix. In the posters defense he did instruct the house mate not to allow the dog near people. The homeowner/roomate was the one who let the dog in. I got a lawyer because I dont know how all of this fits into the equation.


Senior Member
The dog was a retriever chow mix. In the posters defense he did instruct the house mate not to allow the dog near people. The homeowner/roomate was the one who let the dog in. I got a lawyer because I dont know how all of this fits into the equation.
Good old retrievers. . . . america's "family dogs". :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

more proof that there are way more idiot owners than bad dogs.

That is no defense whatsoever. He knew the dog was dangerous and he did not take serious effort to control it. The dog is his responsibility. period.

You should have gotten a lawyer. You are doing the right thing.

This guy's is going to get someone killed with that animal.


Senior Member
I know a lot of you are asking yourselves "How did gawm know it was not a pit bull or one of the 26 other breeds that look like a pit bull?" "Does he have physic abilities?"
The answer is no, I don't have physic abilities. I know because there was no mention on the news or in any of the papers about this incident. Meanwhile, if a pit accidentally knocks a person down it gets printed as a vicious dog attack (which actually happened a couple of weeks ago.)Truly Amazing.
lipless, I wish you the best in you recovery and hope you get the reimbursement and monetary settlement you deserve.

feeling bad

Junior Member
I wasnt even home at the time she was bit. What could I have done to prevent this. I have always kept the dog locked in a gated area of the back yard. I have cautioned my wife and roomate not to allow the dog in when there are visitors over.

Sorry lipless I didnt mean to call you a bitch but hearing from the lawyer didnt exactly make my day.

Country Living

Senior Member
Sorry lipless I didnt mean to call you a bitch but hearing from the lawyer didnt exactly make my day.
Too late and in writing.

I have always kept the dog locked in a gated area of the back yard. I have cautioned my wife and roomate not to allow the dog in when there are visitors over.
You're admitting the dog was dangerous.

It's a sad situation. You're losing a good friend who may have a permanent disfigurement. You're choosing to keep a dangerous dog. You're in a situation where you need to do everything you can to make her whole. If you can't figure out how to do it, the courts will....

Did you find out yet renters insurance, that includes liability, would have cost you about $15 a month?


Junior Member
Really, Hearing from a lawyer did not make your day. Well having my lip ripped off my face did not make my day, my year or my life. I havent called you any names. I cant believe you. If you were truly sorry you would understand what Im doing. You would take it like a man. You would put your dog down so this would not happen again and you would stop treating me like Im responsible for the whole thing.


Senior Member
lipless, you expressed more concern for the dog owner in your original thread than he has for you. I'm glad you got a lawyer; I hope there are avenues of recovery for your losses and protection for other people from this dog that can be gained as a result of you taking action.

Now, this is important. You need to immediately save and print out this entire thread. Do it right now. You also need to STOP POSTING ABOUT THIS INCIDENT. Do not post anything else. If you feel that you want to post, ask your lawyer if you should. I can guarantee you the answer will be, "NO!"

Best of luck. When all of this is over, come back and tell us how it turned out. But in the meantime, please do not make any other statements to anyone without your attorney's approval.

P.S. To print the thread, use the "Thread Tools" button on the toolbar right at the top of the thread. Be sure to print all of the pages. I saved a copy of it for you. You can send me a PM if you need it.
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Junior Member

You're right lawyer said to say no more. at this time I have no working printer so I may hit you up for that copy when I get printer ink. Wanted to thank everyone for their advice and words of encouragement. I will let you all know how it turns out. Thanks again;)


Senior Member
if you don't have a printer, you can still save the screenshot to a file on your copmputer that you can print later or e-mail to somebody that has a printer.


Junior Member
You have got to be kidding!?

Was the canine provoked?!!!! You have got to be kidding?! I wish this had a way for me to attach a pic of my child's bite! 500+ stiches. (It wasn't provoked by the way.) Doesn't sound like "feelingbad" is really feeling bad! Why didn'y you have renters? It is soooo affordable! Whole thing makes me sick! And for you to get nasty and call her a B@#%#?! WOW! My heart goes out to who was bitten! I do hope that they are doing ok!


Junior Member
Amazing how the victim becomes the enemy in a dogbite!?

I lost a friendship due to my child being attacked. I got a lawyer and if the person had understood I was just doing what I was told and that the lawyer really wasn't after them...for they had nothing? Who knows! But they have made it personal! As "feeling bad" has with you! It is obvious that they have no true care or concern for what you are going through so at this point you need to let that go! If a friend , or a stranger even, was hurt on my property I have insurance and I would want and help them sue my insurance company! That is why I have it! This person sounds like who I am dealing with and no matter what - they are going to blame you. Very sad! I think you shouldn't post anymore, as your lawyer said, but do know you are doing the best thing! Hang in there! And take care! I wish you the best!

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