rmet4nzkx said:
Here you are inferring that your ex contributed to this,
Actually, that's not what I was implying at all. What I DID imply was that he would use the breakup against me since he can no longer use the relationship against me. I thought my post was very clear.
and earlier that sure sounds like you are blaming him if you acknowledge his success.
I can think that he'll enjoy the hell out of this without thinking it's his fault. Again, I would have thought that would be clear.
You jumped back into dating and kinda sorta living with a man without a committed relationship in part because you were pregnant and that wasn't enough to hold him.
I did NOT enter this relationship, or move in with this guy because I was pregnant. I lived here almost a month before I found out I was pregnant. I've said that to you several times, but your version of the facts works much better if I'm knocked up and seeking a babydaddy to hep me outta my poor pitiful life than if I'm a grown up who makes decisions based on more than a fertilized egg.
It is not a new story. It hurts none the less. No matter how much it hurts that he would not help you out with your custody battle, in being present to help with your newborn child or in showing his true colors, you still have to focus on the best interest of your children and that may mean some sacrafice on your part. It may mean being more stable before you start dating which will be difficult becuase now you have more baggage with two custody battles.
I don't have two custody battles. One is almost over and the other won't even start. I spoke to the most recent ex today, in fact. I told him I was going to have my attorney draw up papers using the state calculation for CS, and the standard for visitation. He was more than ok with that, and thanked me for getting things taken care of. AND, I'm not interested in dating. I don't date - I said in this thread (I think) how often I dated after my divorce. I have other things to fill my time besides looking for my next conquest. Really. Though I guess I should be flattered that you'd assume I'm such a hottie that there'd be men just waiting in line, as long as they didn't know about my 'baggage'.
You need to sit down and objective look at all the options you have including the option of standard visitation.
There is NO settlement option at this point. The ex will not consider it, according to his attorney. I have offered less parenting time on my part - months and months ago (though still more than standard). He wants all or nothing. It actually wouldn't surprise me in the least if he was posting here trying to figure out how to get my rights terminated.
I'll admit to some selfishness in my decision making in the past. But this custody thing is NOT selfish on my part. All I wanted, and all I still want is for the document to make sense - which would IMPROVE what has always been a fairly amicable co-parenting relationship. THe problem is, that it's not enough for the ex to co-parent, he wants to control me as well... he admitted that in his deposition.
You have to consider the real cost of this battle and the battle that lies ahead. Rent copies of "War of the Roses" "First Wives CLub" and "Waiting to Exhale" watch the last after all the belongings are out in the barn.
I've considered the cost from every angle. And I cannot, in good conscience, even looking at this as objectively as is humanly possible, say that it would be in my older children's best interests to be put into a situation where they only see EITHER of their parents every other weekend. ESPECIALLY with two new siblings - the deserve time to have a real family at both locations. I know you disagree with that, and that is certainly your right. But it doesn't make me a manipulative, whiny, or otherwise spiteful human being. I'm not here whining about not getting what I want. I'm not looking for everyone to agree with me or advise me on how to 'get my way'. I no longer care whether anyone believes that or not.
My kids and I will get through this. I'll manage to co-parent with both fathers better than I'd imagine most of the people here manage to do, and we'll all be better for it.
Edited to add *** We're WAY off topic. Does anyone have any guess as to how long a GAL usually needs to prepare a recommendation? I have the kids until Wed AM - that's it until the Sunday night before trial (unless a continuance is filed).
IF a continuance is needed, who asks for it? The GAL since it was her need to reschedule? My attorney since it was my home visit? My ex's attorney since they're petitioner?