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Bank error in my favor, advice?

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SP103 Please don't ask for an opinion if you're not willing to hear the truth.

Here is what happened: The bank made a mistake. You helped them find it. They finally fixed it. You may not realize this but the "bank" is not some all-powferful god - the bank is people and people make mistakes. So as a banker, I will give you some peace and say "I'm sorry the bank made a mistake. We should have corrected it earlier." There. I hope that makes you feel better.

As far as the Countryliving and Seniorjudge they were being honest and used your wishy-washy story against you; next time make sure you've got your story straight.

Now, I've given you my opinion. I've given you an apology on behalf of all bankers out there for the mistake. Can we consider the matter closed? Can you go on with you merry life accepting the fact that your bank isn't perfect, because I certainly will.

You know as a banker I don't mind eating crow every now and then. At the end of the day it's all about the revenue! :D
I don't mind the truth, whatsoever. One more clarification, Again I never used that money. Back then, I was unaware checks could be cashed so quickly. I learned that from this experience, and I never now write any checks without the proper funds ALREADY in the bank. I only brought that issue up as it was the truth of something that happened in regards to this story.

I'm completely comfortable with this, and yes I moved on with my life. Your cynical attitude and dimissive attitude is frightening if you are indeed a banking professional. An error was made, and I attempted to correct it. What I am truly interested in learning is what happened. I don't care about whether the money was mine or not, Because it wasn't. I'll TYPE THAT AGAIN, THAT WAS NOT MY MONEY. I DID NOT WANT THE MONEY. Maybe I should make that flash to clarify it.

Simple question being posed by me here: How does $4,000 get accidentally deposited in my account? Then after reporting the error repeatedly does it keep showing up, unexplained? What happened???
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I've never bounced a check in the 40+ years I've had a checking account and I have lived payday to payday.

Neither have I complained about something FOR FOUR YEARS and continue to seek out people who will pat me on the back for doing the right thing and whine when I can't get sympathy for doing the wrong thing. And then there's that whole "can't get my story straight" thing.

And, Gracie, bouncing a check or using someone else's money for float is not a "tiny infraction". I hope you'll figure some of this out as you get older.
I too have never bounced a check. Where am I complaining? I only induce that I did everything correctly, at least i thought, to rectify the situation. Please see my above post about the "float check".

Don't post if you can't contribute something that I asked advice for.


And, what "legal requirement" would that be?
Legally, as stated here: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/online/payments.shtm (See ETF) the bank is required to notify me of the results of the investigation. The duration from the time the $4,000 was deposited until it was removed was over 6 months. What they failed to do, three times, was give me a result of their investigation. Twice, they replaced the money. Once after 45 days, then 60 after notifying them again. After the second time, I was told "Nothing was found in error" by the phone operator at Gold Star (affiliated with Fleet Bank). Then the third time, it was taken out completely, without notifying me,again with no explanation, and a check was sent to close the account and settle the difference ($401). When I asked the local branch manager, I was told "Get a lawyer". That was it.
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Senior Member
SP103 Accidently Bounced a Check!!!! get off their back. have you never done this?
Nope, Never.

I think you are very honest and respectable for not spending the money.
honestly i probably would have taken it lol.
Then why are you on here giving "Legal Advice"?
Im no expert( obviously)
Yes, that is obvious.

but I think the bank was in the wrong. Dont worry about it, you did the right thing.. now find a new bank.
You are entering into giving very dangerous advice.
Instead of quarelling over tiny infractions... why dont you give the this person what they asked for... advice.. not harassment?

Where was your legal advice, other than,"I would have kept it"?

Check yourself, as you are not the mod of this site.


I would of closed that account, taken the money and ran if I truly wanted that money for myself. Wouldn't I have? That's not what I did. I knew better, even when the bank stated "There is no error" not to touch that money.

How does $4,000 get into my account by error?


Well, you've received the opinions of people who are familiar with the law. You obviously don't like it, but you've received it just the same. Perhaps someone else will come along and tell you what you want to hear. In the meantime, please stop giving incorrect advice to other posters.


Senior Member
Well, you've received the opinions of people who are familiar with the law. You obviously don't like it, but you've received it just the same. Perhaps someone else will come along and tell you what you want to hear. In the meantime, please stop giving incorrect advice to other posters.

Ditto! I can just picture others cleaning up his mess on threads today.


Ditto! I can just picture others cleaning up his mess on threads today.
Yet you feel the need to post off-the topic things in this thread. Can you clean this up? Clt I tried to PM you, but it's turned off. Where do I validate my advice here on this forum? Do I upload my resume and college degree to validate my advice? Am I missing something?
Back on topic:
Just asking again for advice/information: How did $4,000 get deposited accidentally in my ATM bank account?
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Actually, how it works is, I enter my user name and password. If it gets me in, then my membership is active and I get to respond to just about any thread I want.

Now, if I start telling people things like, for instance, "if she's not on the lease she's not a tenant and you can kick her out" then I'm giving incorrect advice, which isn't tolerated here for very long. Then I might very soon discover that my user name and password doesn't work. So far, so good.


Actually, how it works is, I enter my user name and password. If it gets me in, then my membership is active and I get to respond to just about any thread I want.

Now, if I start telling people things like, for instance, "if she's not on the lease she's not a tenant and you can kick her out" then I'm giving incorrect advice, which isn't tolerated here for very long. Then I might very soon discover that my user name and password doesn't work. So far, so good.
First, post in the correct thread. (That specific thread I gave advice in). Second, if you have nothing to contribute here, don't bother. Finally, turn on PM's if you wish to communicate 1 on 1 with people here.


Senior Member
I can give an example of HOW this might have possibly happened. My employer changed banks. Along with checks, I had to change our merchant services to deposit into the new account. A PERSON tied our new merchant services to someone ELSE's account. So, I had someone behind the scenes moving the money as I caught it, but it took another department several months to figure out what had happened.

Boiled down to a CLERICAL typo. No fraud. No malice. Fixed. No longer care.
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