ok so even if the judge says, you owe the cash equivalent of the barter items surplus, of $2,159 worth of barter, I could argue they made no attempt to collect it over the last 2-3 years until i choose to close my account....
if they wanted it they should have requested sooner.
And as for denying access to the account while still charging me the $10.00 fee and mandating that i continue to attempt to barter my services, even though without access to the account i have no access to anyone to possibly barter with. XYZ barter company has said they will promote my product to make up the deficit, but XYZ Barter has not referred a client to me since 2010. could you argue that they are creating such a contract of adhesion, by forcing me to remain a member of a barter club and not allowing me access to any other members to barter with. I cant barter with myself, the reason i have since heard is that they do not want me having access to their clients list of potential other barter members because many other members are coming forward with stories of erratic billing with no supporting documentation being supplied that if we all get together or the wrong lawyer gets us all in room in could get ugly for them in the courts